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Pronunciation of rede with 3 audio pronunciations
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IPA : riːd
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Wiki content for rede

Examples of in a sentence

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge
20 ratings rating ratings
Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge (NT) observations map
18 ratings rating ratings
Conservation work of Rede Mahal structure to be undertaken first
17 ratings rating ratings
Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge closed due to high winds
15 ratings rating ratings
The Rede Lecture at Cambridge
14 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on rede

Meet George Rede: The new (sort of) workplace reporter for The Oregonian and OregonLive.com
In time, I hope to schedule meet-and-greet coffees, as I did in both Hillsboro and Forest Grove, to provide an opportunity for casual, face-to-face conversation with readers. -- George Rede..View article
Oregonian Oregonian
Rede Amazônica turns to Nevion for IP overhaul
Rede Amazônica, one of Brazil’s largest broadcasters, has turned to Nevion to deliver an IP-based video solution for its facilities. The deal, facilitated by Nevion’s business partner and Ci..View article
image-unavailable Rapid TV
Hospital group Rede D’Or buys 10% of health plan manager Qualicorp
Brazil’s largest hospital group, Rede D’Or, acquired about 10% of Qualicorp, a manager of health insurance plans with 2.4 million beneficiaries, from founder José Seripieri Filho. He will ke..View article
Valor Econômico Valor Econômico
ALLWEST promotes Isaac Rede to testing manager
ALLWEST promoted Isaac Rede to testing manager for the company’s Meridian office. Rede has been employed with ALLWEST since 2016, working as a project manager and with the company’s engineer..View article
The Idaho Press-Tribune The Idaho Press-Tribune
Floods in Otterburn as River Rede bursts banks
Homes and businesses in a Northumberland village have been flooded after the River Rede burst its banks. About 30 homes in the Otterburn area were flooded, while many roads were left impassa..View article
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