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Phonetic spelling of rams

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Meanings for rams

This is a football team from Los Angeles that has won twice in NFL championships and one super bowl.
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Wiki content for rams

Rams - Rams or RAMS may refer to:
Ramesses II - Ramesses II (variously also spelt Rameses or Ramses (Ancient Egyptian: rꜥ-ms-sw "Ra is the one who bore him" > Koinē Greek: Ῥαμέσσης, romanized: Rhaméssēs); c.
Ramsay MacDonald - James Ramsay MacDonald (né James McDonald Ramsay; 12 October 1866 – 9 November 1937) was a British statesman who was the first Labour Party politician to become Prime Minister of the United
Rammstein - Rammstein (German pronunciation: [ˈʁamʃtaɪn]) is a German Neue Deutsche Härte band formed in Berlin in 1994. Their six-man lineup—lead vocalist Till Lindemann, lead guitarist Richard Z.
Ramstein Air Base - Ramstein Air Base is a United States Air Force base in Rhineland-Palatinate, a state in southwestern Germany.
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Examples of in a sentence

Burwell: Rams don't have to pretend they're better
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Pakistan: car rams into police truck killing at least seven, injuring 22 in Quetta
Listen Pakistan: car rams into police truck killing at least seven, injuring 22 in Quetta pronunciation
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rams should be in sentence

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