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Raisin bread

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Phonetic spelling of Raisin bread

raisin bread
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Meanings for Raisin bread

It is a type of bread that is made along with raisins invented by Walter Harding in the year 1943.
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Wiki content for Raisin bread

Raisin bread - Raisin bread is a type of bread made with raisins and flavored with cinnamon. It is "usually a white flour or egg dough bread".

Examples of in a sentence

Cinnamon Raisin Bread for the Bread Machine
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World's Best Cinnamon Raisin Bread (Not Bread Machine)
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Ryke's Bakery in Muskegon a finalist in national raisin bread competition
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Apple-Raisin Bread Pudding
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Baking Bread: Raisin bread from Luxembourg
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Trending news on Raisin bread

Baking step-by-step: Raisin bread from Luxembourg
More than 1 in 4 EU residents cannot afford an annual holiday away, according to Eurostat. Stuck at home the most are Romanians. Top vacationers are Swedes. Heavily excluded are solo parents..View article
dw.com dw.com
Sweet Recipe for Chocolate and Raisin Bread Pudding
Bring a large kettle of water to a boil. Drain the raisins and discard the liquid. Divide the bread, chocolate chips, and drained raisins among the muffin cups (or place in the baking pan)...View article
JustLuxe JustLuxe
Taste test: Cinnamon raisin bread
For those of us who crave a little sweetness with our breakfasts, cinnamon raisin bread is a perfect fix. Maybe it's the raisins that convince us we are starting our day off healthy with a s..View article
Tampa Bay Times Tampa Bay Times
Cinnamon Raisin Bread Pudding Recipe
Clinton Kelly's Cinnamon Raisin Bread Pudding recipe makes the best breakfast ever! Get the recipe: http://abc.tv/2q87XZ3. Watch The Chew WEEKDAYS at 1e|12c|p.
Sun-Maid Growers of California Licenses the Rights to Produce and Market Sun-Maid Raisin Bread to Flowers Foods
"Sun-Maid is intent on bringing raisins to top-of-mind to all of our customers – especially those who have traditionally looked for us in the bread aisle," commented Harry Overly, president..View article
MarketWatch MarketWatch
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