Strait – The Connecting Landform thumbnail
Strait – The Connecting Landform thumbnail

Strait – The Connecting Landform

7th - University grade
Played 7 times
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Preview (20 questions)
1 Question
15 seconds

 Sunda Strait connects

Java Sea and Pacific Ocean

Java Sea and Indian Ocean

Red Sea and Indian Ocean

2 Question
15 seconds

 Otranto Strait connects

Baltic Sea and Ionian Sea

Baltic Sea and Adriatic Sea

Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea

3 Question
15 seconds

 Cook Strait connects

Tasman Sea and South Pacific Ocean

Tasman Sea and North Pacific Ocean

Atlantic Ocean and South Pacific Ocean

4 Question
15 seconds

 Bab-el-Mandeb Strait connects

Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman

Red Sea and Arabian Sea

5 Question
15 seconds

 Bass Strait connects

Tasman Sea and Yellow Sea

Tasman Sea and South China Sea

Tasman Sea and South Sea

6 Question
15 seconds

 Bosphorus Strait connects

Gulf of Papua and Marmara Sea

Black Sea and Marmara Sea

Arafura Sea and Black Sea

7 Question
15 seconds

 Davis Strait connects

Baffin Bay and the Atlantic Ocean

Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean

Baffin Bay and the Gulf of Cambay

8 Question
15 seconds

 Bering Strait connects

Bering Sea and Black Sea

Bering Sea and Irish Sea

Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea

9 Question
15 seconds

 Hormuz Strait connects

Gulf of Persia and Gulf of Oman

Mediterranean Sea and Gulf of Oman

Gulf of Persia and Gulf of Papua 

10 Question
15 seconds

 Magellan Strait connects

Pacific and North Atlantic Ocean

South Pacific and South Atlantic Ocean

Pacific and South Atlantic Ocean

11 Question
15 seconds

 Tatar Strait connects

Japan Sea and Okhotsk Sea

Java Sea and Okhotsk Sea

Pacific Ocean and Okhotsk Sea

12 Question
15 seconds

 Formosa Strait connects

South China Sea and Tasman Sea

South China Sea and East China Sea

South China Sea and Indian Ocean

13 Question
15 seconds

 Gibraltar Strait connects

Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean

Black Sea and Atlantic Ocean

Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean

14 Question
15 seconds

Bonne-Fasio Strait connects

Bay of Bengal and Mediterranean Sea

Tyrrhenian Sea and Mediterranean Sea

Tyrrhenian Sea and Caribbean Sea

15 Question
15 seconds

 Malacca Strait connects

The Andaman Sea and South China Sea

Indian Ocean and South China Sea

The Andaman Sea and Java Sea

16 Question
15 seconds

 Messina Strait connects

The Laptev Sea and the Ionian Sea

Tyrrhenian Sea and East-Siberian Sea

The Tyrrhenian Sea and Ionian Sea

17 Question
15 seconds

 Yucatan Strait connects

Gulf of Mexico and the White Sea

Caribbean Sea and Kara Sea

Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea

18 Question
15 seconds

 Palk Strait connects

The Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal

Palk Bay and Indian Ocean

Palk Bay and Bay of Bengal

19 Question
15 seconds

 North Channel connects

Irish Sea and Atlantic Ocean

Sargasso Sea and Atlantic Ocean

Irish Sea and Pacific Ocean

20 Question
15 seconds

 Dardelneez Strait connects

Caspian Sea and Aegean Sea

Marmara Sea and Aegean Sea

Marmara Sea and Black Sea