Boyei bolamu
Ndenge nini?
Do you speak English?
How much is this?
How are you?
Kala to monana
Long time no see
Thank you
Get well soon
Butu elamu
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good night
Nzela elamu
Excuse me
Bon voyage
I understand
Sango nini?
Where are you from?
How are you?
What's new?
Olobaka lingala?
Do you speak Lingala?
Do you know me?
How old are you?
Nasepeli koyeba yo
Long time no see
Pleased to meet you
I don't understand
Limbisa ngaï
Excuse me
Bon voyage
Cabinet ezali wapi?
Where are you going?
Are you okay?
Where is the bathroom?
Bika noki!
Long time no see
Get well soon
Have a nice meal
Mokolo malamu
Have a nice day
I understand
Please write it down
Bénga ba mbila!
Leave me alone!
Get well soon!
Call the police!
Okoki koloba malembe
This gentleman will pay for everything
Please speak more slowly
This lady will pay for everything
Salissa Ngaï!
Nkendé kuna!
Good luck!
How are you?
Go away!
O yakaka awa mingi?
How do you know me?
Do you come here often?
Do you need water?
Likambo te
Reply to thank you
Christmas greetings
Easter greetings
Libaku malamu
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good luck!
Na yebi té
Thank you
I don't know