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Pronunciation of Quirinus with 2 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Quirinus

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Meanings for Quirinus

According to Roman mythology, he is an early god of the Roman state.
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Wiki content for Quirinus

Quirinus - In Roman mythology and religion, Quirinus ( kwi-RY-nəs, Latin: [kᶣɪˈriːnʊs]) is an early god of the Roman state.
Quirinus Kuhlmann - Quirinus Kuhlmann (February 25, 1651 – October 4, 1689) was a German Baroque poet and mystic. Kuhlmann insisted upon the importance of the events of his life as confirmation of his divine mis
Quirinus of Neuss - Saint Quirinus of Neuss (German: Quirin, Quirinus), sometimes called Quirinus of Rome (which is the name shared by another martyr) is venerated as a martyr and saint of the Catholic and Easte
Quirinus of Sescia - Quirinus (Croatian: Kvirin) (died 309 AD) is venerated as an early bishop of Sescia, now Sisak in Croatia.
Quirinus van Amelsfoort - Quirinus van Amelsfoort (1760–1820) was a Dutch painter.
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Translations of Quirinus

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