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Meanings for quetzal

A kind of colored large trogon in the family Trogonidae that is largely found in humid highlands.
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Wiki content for quetzal

Quetzal - Quetzals () are strikingly colored birds in the trogon family.
Quetzalcoatl - Quetzalcoatl (; Spanish: [ket͡salˈkoat͡ɬʊl] (listen); Classical Nahuatl: Quetzalcohuātl [ket͡saɬ'kowaːt͡ɬ], in honorific form: Quetzalcohuātzin, modern Nahuatl pronunciation ) is a deity in
Quetzaltenango Department - Quetzaltenango is a department in the western highlands of Guatemala. The capital is the city of Quetzaltenango, the second largest city in Guatemala.
Quetzalcoatlus - Quetzalcoatlus northropi is a pterosaur known from the Late Cretaceous of North America (Maastrichtian stage) and one of the largest known flying animals of all time.
Quetzaltenango - Quetzaltenango (Spanish pronunciation: [ketsalteˈnaŋgo], also known by its Maya name, Xelajú [ʃelaˈχu] or Xela [ˈʃela]), is both the capital of Quetzaltenango Department and the municipal sea
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Examples of in a sentence

AEO Status for APM Terminals Quetzal
Listen AEO Status for APM Terminals Quetzal pronunciation
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Bold ideas fail to take flight at Quetzal
Listen Bold ideas fail to take flight at Quetzal pronunciation
68 ratings rating ratings
Port of Puerto Quetzal (Antigua)
Listen Port of Puerto Quetzal (Antigua) pronunciation
63 ratings rating ratings
'ARK' Update 1.77 Adds Extinction Chronicles V & Tek Quetzal - Patch Notes
Listen 'ARK' Update 1.77 Adds Extinction Chronicles V & Tek Quetzal - Patch Notes pronunciation
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What’s on the menu at Quetzal, a new Mexican restaurant with an eight-metre-long open fire pit
Listen What’s on the menu at Quetzal, a new Mexican restaurant with an eight-metre-long open fire pit pronunciation
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Translations of quetzal

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Trending news on quetzal

Crime Stoppers: Robbery At Tienda Quetzal
Listen Crime Stoppers: Robbery At Tienda Quetzal pronunciation
Crime Stoppers and the Chattanooga Police Department are seeking information regarding a robbery at Tienda Quetzal at 1303 E. 23 rd St., Chattanooga. At approximately 7 p.m., on Dec. 12 ...
image-unavailable Chattanoogan.com
Bahia Principe Vacation Rentals - Quetzal Two-Bedroom Penthouses
Listen Bahia Principe Vacation Rentals - Quetzal Two-Bedroom Penthouses pronunciation
Please note that all Special Requests are subject to availability and additional charges may apply. Please inform Bahia Principe Vacation Rentals - Quetzal Two-Bedroom Penthouses of your exp..View article
image-unavailable Skyscanner
Quinta do Quetzal Guadalupe 2018
Listen Quinta do Quetzal Guadalupe 2018 pronunciation
Quinta do Quetzal Guadalupe 2018 reviews, ratings, wine pairings, LCBO, BCLDB, SAQ store stock, price, wine searcher, food pairing Red Wine
nataliemaclean.com nataliemaclean.com
Euro to Guatemala Quetzal Spot Exchange Rates for 2021
Listen Euro to Guatemala Quetzal Spot Exchange Rates for 2021 pronunciation
Below is a table showing 255 days of historical exchange rates data for the year of 2021, covering the Euro (EUR) to Guatemala Quetzal (GTQ) conversion. Converting Euro (EUR) to Guatemala Qu..View article
image-unavailable Exchange Rates
Quetzal Capital PLC QTZ
Listen Quetzal Capital PLC QTZ pronunciation
There is no one analyst in which a Quantitative Star Rating and Fair Value Estimate is attributed to; however, Mr. Lee Davidson, Head of Quantitative Research for Morningstar, Inc., is respo..View article
image-unavailable Morningstar%2c Inc.
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