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Meanings for qiang

A popular surname that is of Chinese origin.
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Wiki content for qiang

Qiang - Qiang may refer to:
Qiangic languages - Qiangic (Ch'iang, Kyang, Tsiang, Chinese: 羌語支, "Qiang language group"; formerly known as Dzorgaic) is a group of related languages within the Sino-Tibetan language family.
Qiang people - The Qiang people (Chinese: 羌族; pinyin: Qiāngzú; Qiangic: Rrmea) are an ethnic group in China. They form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by China, with a population of approx
Qiang (historical people) - Qiang (Chinese: 羌; pinyin: Qiāng; Wade–Giles: Ch'iang) was a name given to various peoples belonging to the Tibeto-Burman group, along China's northwestern frontier.
Qiang Yang - Qiang Yang (Chinese: 杨强; pinyin: yáng qiáng) is the Chair Professor, Department Head of CSE, HKUST in Hong Kong and University New Bright Professor of Engineering and Chair Professor from 201
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Examples of in a sentence

Beijing, Nov 25 (IANS) China's chief justice Zhou Qiang Tuesday ordered local courts to give special attention to crimes against children
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An investigation should "start immediately" once a miscarriage of justice has been identified, Zhou Qiang, president of the Supreme People's Court, wrote in the latest issue of Qiushi
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Linette reigns over Qiang once more
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Li Ke-qiang: China to calmly handle forex market volatility
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