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Phonetic spelling of Pyrrha

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Meanings for Pyrrha

According to Greek myth, it refers to the daughter of Epimetheus.
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Quiz on Pyrrha


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Wiki content for Pyrrha

Pyrrha of Thessaly - In Greek mythology, Pyrrha (; Ancient Greek: Πύρρα) was the daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora and wife of Deucalion of whom she had three sons, Hellen, Amphictyon, Orestheus; and three daugh
Pyrrharctia isabella - Pyrrharctia isabella, the isabella tiger moth, banded woolly bear or just woollybear or woolly worm, occurs in the United States and southern Canada.
Pyrrhalta - Pyrrhalta is a genus of beetles in the leaf beetle family, Chrysomelidae. Species are distributed throughout much of the world, including much of the Northern Hemisphere and the Australian re
Pyrrha (mythology) - In Greek mythology, Pyrrha (; Ancient Greek: Πύρρα) may refer to the following women:
Pyrrharctia - Pyrrharctia is a genus of moths in the family Erebidae described by Packard in 1864. The species are known from North and Central America.
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Examples of in a sentence

Inspired Pyrrha Jewelery
Listen Inspired Pyrrha Jewelery pronunciation
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HBO taps Vancouver's Pyrrha for official Game of Thrones jewellery collection
Listen HBO taps Vancouver's Pyrrha for official Game of Thrones jewellery collection pronunciation
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Pyrrha pair powers on: Vancouver-based jewelry brand eyes environmental sustainability, a new studio
Listen Pyrrha pair powers on: Vancouver-based jewelry brand eyes environmental sustainability, a new studio pronunciation
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Pyrrha Releases Paul Smith Collaboration
Listen Pyrrha Releases Paul Smith Collaboration pronunciation
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Pyrrha Jewellery
Listen Pyrrha Jewellery pronunciation
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Translations of Pyrrha

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Trending news on Pyrrha

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Listen Christy Zandlo Leaves Scandalesque to Open Pyrrha Sutra Presents pronunciation
Zandlo, whose stage name is Pyrrha Sutra, says the split between her and Curtis ended amicably. "It was my decision, I wanted to do my own thing," says Zandlo. "[Curtis] felt if [Scandalesqu..View article
Phoenix New Times Phoenix New Times
Wear the Thrones: Canadian jewellery brand Pyrrha collaborates with HBO on an exclusive Game of Thrones collection
Listen Wear the Thrones: Canadian jewellery brand Pyrrha collaborates with HBO on an exclusive Game of Thrones collection pronunciation
Wade Papin and Danielle Wilmore, the Vancouver-based designers behind Pyrrha, have been creating personal talismans bearing heraldry, botanical, medieval and ancient motifs for nearly 20 yea..View article
National Post National Post
Local jewellery label Pyrrha teams with British Museum for special women's justice–themed talisman
Listen Local jewellery label Pyrrha teams with British Museum for special women's justice–themed talisman pronunciation
Vancouver-based jewellery line Pyrrha has partnered with the British Museum to craft a talisman that champions the rights and freedoms of women. Dubbed Votes for Women, the talisman features..View article
The Georgia Straight The Georgia Straight
"Engraving initials, names or dates on jewellery is a time-honoured tradition," says Danielle Wilmore, co-owner and designer of Pyrrha, a Vancouver-based jewellery line known for pendants ca..View article
The Globe and Mail The Globe and Mail
Pyrrha Jewellery
Listen Pyrrha Jewellery pronunciation
Founded by partners Danielle and Wade Papin in 1995, Pyrrha is one of Canada’s coolest jewellery lines—Patti Smith is a big enough fan to have electively played a concert at their Vancouver..View article
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