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Pronunciation of Purcell with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : pəˈsel
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Phonetic spelling of Purcell

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pur-sel for 1; pur-suh l for 2
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Meanings for Purcell

It is a surname that is of Norman origin.
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Quiz on Purcell


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Collections on Purcell

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Wiki content for Purcell

Purcell, Oklahoma - Purcell is a city in and the county seat of McClain County, Oklahoma, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 5,884.Founded in 1887, Purcell was a railroad town named a
Purcellville, Virginia - Purcellville is a town in Loudoun County, Virginia, United States. The population was 7,727 according to the 2010 Census.
Purcell Marian High School - Purcell Marian High School is a parochial high school in the East Walnut Hills neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, based in the Marianist Tradition.
Purcell (architects) - Purcell is an architectural design practice with 13 regional studios in the UK and three studios in Asia Pacific.
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Examples of in a sentence

Former Purcell youth pastor sentenced to 8 years in prison
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Tom Purcell | Amid such a clatter, here’s what really should matter
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Sentimental Christmas nostalgia? Sure, count me in: Tom Purcell
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Converse Japan Whips up Premium Jack Purcell Slip-On for BIOTOP
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Tom Purcell: Update hairstyle, update outlook
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Translations of Purcell

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Trending news on Purcell

TOM PURCELL: Don’t take cyber scammers’ bait
Always be suspicious - because that’s the only way that cyber scams won’t be an even bigger story in the new year. Tom Purcell, author of "Misadventures of a 1970's Childhood," a humorous me..View article
Northwest Florida Daily News Northwest Florida Daily News
Roz Purcell shares unedited snap of herself and tells followers to ‘stop being a d*ck to you and your body’ in 2020
ROZANNA Purcell has sharede a very real and unedited snap of herself and gives her followers some advice for the new year. The Dublin model spent Christmas in Hawaii and has been enjoying st..View article
Irish Sun Irish Sun
Roz Purcell says ‘Christmas is a really tough time for anyone with an eating disorder’ and speaks of her past struggle
Roz Purcell took to Instagram to offer advice to anyone with an eating disorder who is finding it extra tough this time of year. The former Miss Universe drew on her own experience and share..View article
Irish Sun Irish Sun
Roz Purcell shares hilarious pics from St Stephen's night out
Roz Purcell looked stunning as she stepped out for some St Stephen's Day celebrations while on holiday in Hawaii. The influencer took to Instagram to post two snaps - one of herself before t..View article
buzz.ie buzz.ie
Edgar G. Purcell Jr.
GLENS FALLS — Edgar G. Purcell Jr., 84, passed away peacefully on Dec. 18, 2019 in Glens Falls. Born on Jan. 28, 1935 in Port Jervis, he was the son of Marie (McLaughlin) and Edgar G.
The Post-Star The Post-Star
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