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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈprɒksɪml
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Phonetic spelling of proximal

prok-suh-muh l

Meanings for proximal

situated nearer to the center of the body or the point of attachment

Synonyms for proximal

Antonyms for proximal

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Examples of in a sentence

Burjeel Hospital Abu Dhabi conducts complex keyhole proximal gastrectomy to remove tumor
Listen Burjeel Hospital Abu Dhabi conducts complex keyhole proximal gastrectomy to remove tumor pronunciation
The Difference between Medial and Lateral, Proximal and Distal, and Superior and Inferior (Biomechanics)
Listen The Difference between Medial and Lateral, Proximal and Distal, and Superior and Inferior (Biomechanics) pronunciation
Use of Proximal Aortic Cuffs as an Adjunctive Procedure During Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair
Listen Use of Proximal Aortic Cuffs as an Adjunctive Procedure During Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair pronunciation
Stochastic Proximal Iteration: A Non-Asymptotic Improvement Upon Stochastic Gradient Descent
Listen Stochastic Proximal Iteration: A Non-Asymptotic Improvement Upon Stochastic Gradient Descent pronunciation
Study Links Bone Loss To Proximal Sesamoid Bone Fractures In California Racehorses
Listen Study Links Bone Loss To Proximal Sesamoid Bone Fractures In California Racehorses pronunciation
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Translations of proximal

Trending news on proximal

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Listen Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency in a Dog pronunciation
Therefore, the aim of this report is to describe the clinical signs and imaging findings in a dog with proximal femoral focal deficiency. A 10-month-old, entire male, Labrador retriever dog..View article
Proximal Records Label Sampler
Listen Proximal Records Label Sampler pronunciation
Proximal Records is a Los Angeles based independent record label with a mission of supporting and promoting vibrant new voices in the local electronic music community. The brain-child of L.A..View article
Paste Paste
Zone of Proximal Development
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Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is related to his theorising about the role of instruction and formal education in child development (Berk & Winsler, 1995). Daniels (1993) argu..View article
Massey University Massey University
Study Links Bone Loss To Proximal Sesamoid Bone Fractures In California Racehorses
Listen Study Links Bone Loss To Proximal Sesamoid Bone Fractures In California Racehorses pronunciation
A recent study by Sarah Shaffer, Dr. Susan Stover and colleagues at the J.D. Wheat Orthopedic Laboratory at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine sought to characterize bone abnormaliti..View article
Paulick Report Paulick Report
Stochastic Proximal Iteration: A Non-Asymptotic Improvement Upon Stochastic Gradient Descent
Listen Stochastic Proximal Iteration: A Non-Asymptotic Improvement Upon Stochastic Gradient Descent pronunciation
However, to use just the gradient and not the entire function seems suboptimal. To address this issue, we present an algorithm which we call stochastic proximal iteration (SPI). Each iterate..View article
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