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Pronunciation of Prosecco with 7 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Prosecco

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Meanings for Prosecco

A sparkling wine made in Italy. Less expensive than champagne, but enjoyed just as much.
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Examples of in a sentence

M&S launches pink rosé prosecco for £10 a bottle
Listen M&S launches pink rosé prosecco for £10 a bottle pronunciation
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For sale: a gorgeous prosecco vineyard in rural Italy
Listen For sale: a gorgeous prosecco vineyard in rural Italy pronunciation
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Fall for golden bubbles with Korbel Prosecco
Listen Fall for golden bubbles with Korbel Prosecco pronunciation
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Rosé Prosecco available to buy in UK supermarkets for the first time ever
Listen Rosé Prosecco available to buy in UK supermarkets for the first time ever pronunciation
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Prosecco Rosé is finally here and Aldi is the first supermarket to sell it in the UK
Listen Prosecco Rosé is finally here and Aldi is the first supermarket to sell it in the UK pronunciation
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Translations of Prosecco

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Trending news on Prosecco

Lidl launches £6 pink prosecco and is Scotland's first retailer to stock fancy fizz
Listen Lidl launches £6 pink prosecco and is Scotland's first retailer to stock fancy fizz pronunciation
Get the stories that matter to you sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter. Lidl claims to have taken the crown as the first UK retailer to stock pink Prosecco - just in time f..View article
image-unavailable Daily Record
Pink Prosecco is set to launch in the UK next week
Listen Pink Prosecco is set to launch in the UK next week pronunciation
Bottles of rosé Prosecco will appear on UK shelves from next week after a change in Italian law allowed the drink to be produced for the first time. PINK Prosecco, one of the first ...
image-unavailable Daily Mail
Rosé Prosecco launches in the UK and you can buy it in Marks and Spencer
Listen Rosé Prosecco launches in the UK and you can buy it in Marks and Spencer pronunciation
MARKS and Spencer has launched Rose Prosecco just in time for the festive season. Available nationwide and in store it’s one of a few retailers stocking
newsoneplace.com newsoneplace.com
Pink Prosecco approved for export
Listen Pink Prosecco approved for export pronunciation
Rosé Prosecco has been given the green light to be able to be exported outside of Italy, and producers are wasting no time in getting it on supermarket shelves. Pink Prosecco was approved fo..View article
image-unavailable The Drinks Business
Prosecco Rosé is finally here and Aldi is the first supermarket to sell it in the UK
Listen Prosecco Rosé is finally here and Aldi is the first supermarket to sell it in the UK pronunciation
Aldi's new Prosecco Rosé hits shelves on the 2 November, making it the first pink Prosecco to reach the UK market. The Italian government only approved production of Prosecco Rosé DOC in May..View article
Good Housekeeping Good Housekeeping
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