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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈprɒdjuːs
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    Examples of in a sentence

    North Korea Believed to Be Restarting Nuclear Reactor to Produce Plutonium for Weapons
    Listen North Korea Believed to Be Restarting Nuclear Reactor to Produce Plutonium for Weapons pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    David Oyelowo to Produce ‘The Rocketeer’ Reboot for Disney
    Listen David Oyelowo to Produce ‘The Rocketeer’ Reboot for Disney pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Jake Gyllenhaal to Produce, Star in Feature Adaptation of Robert Kirkman Comic ‘Oblivion Song’
    Listen Jake Gyllenhaal to Produce, Star in Feature Adaptation of Robert Kirkman Comic ‘Oblivion Song’ pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    COVID-19 test manufactures rushing to produce more tests after cutting production and even destroying stock
    Listen COVID-19 test manufactures rushing to produce more tests after cutting production and even destroying stock pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Jada Pinkett Smith to produce Netflix series on African queens
    Listen Jada Pinkett Smith to produce Netflix series on African queens pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on produce

    ‘Night Of The Cooters’: George R.R. Martin To Produce Short Film Starring, Directed By Vincent D’Onofrio From Trioscope Studios
    Listen ‘Night Of The Cooters’: George R.R. Martin To Produce Short Film Starring, Directed By Vincent D’Onofrio From Trioscope Studios pronunciation
    George R.R. Martin has set his next project for screen, the short film Night of Cooters, based on Howard Waldrop 1987 sci-fi novel. Vicent D’Onofrio will direct and is set to star as Sheriff
    Deadline.com Deadline.com
    Exxon's Imperial Oil outlines plan to produce plant-based renewable fuel
    Listen Exxon's Imperial Oil outlines plan to produce plant-based renewable fuel pronunciation
    Imperial Oil Ltd , one of Canada's biggest oil producers and refiners, on Wednesday outlined a plan to process vegetable oil into renewable diesel at its 191,000-barrel-per-day Strathcona re..View article
    Reuters on MSN.com Reuters on MSN.com
    HP Revenue Misses the Mark. ‘We Are Selling Everything We Can Produce,’ CEO Says.
    Listen HP Revenue Misses the Mark. ‘We Are Selling Everything We Can Produce,’ CEO Says. pronunciation
    HP Inc. posted mixed results for its latest quarter, including a substantial revenue miss, as the PC and printer company struggled to meet demand in the face of ongoing chip shortages.
    Barron's Barron's
    Dan Campbell wants to ‘reward’ players who both do it the right way and produce
    Listen Dan Campbell wants to ‘reward’ players who both do it the right way and produce pronunciation
    Lions head coach Dan Campbell offered a very telling glimpse into what his Detroit team will favor during the upcoming roster cutdowns, and what kind of players the team covets. Speaking bef..View article
    YAHOO!News YAHOO!News
    Pfizer enters partnership to mass produce COVID-19 vaccines for Latin America
    Listen Pfizer enters partnership to mass produce COVID-19 vaccines for Latin America pronunciation
    Pfizer and BioNTech are partnering with a Brazilian biopharmaceutical company to begin producing doses of their COVID-19 vaccine exclusively for distribution within Latin America, significan..View article
    Miami Herald Miami Herald
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