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Pronunciation of pristine with 4 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈprɪstiːn
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Wiki content for pristine

Examples of in a sentence

NASA's Deep Impact probe strikes comet successfully
Listen NASA's Deep Impact probe strikes comet successfully pronunciation
77 ratings rating ratings
Comet Wild samples near home
Listen Comet Wild samples near home pronunciation
72 ratings rating ratings
PRO-JECT DEBUT III Ortofon OMB 5E Turntable pristine condition
66 ratings rating ratings
Tainted Water: Concern’s about B.C. resort town’s pristine water
55 ratings rating ratings
At lake fest, Karanji’s pristine waters a big treat
50 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on pristine

PRO-JECT DEBUT III Ortofon OMB 5E Turntable pristine condition
Excellent items are almost entirely free from blemishes and other visual defects and have been played or used with the utmost care.learn more
Reverb.com Reverb.com
Planned Pan-Borneo highway threatens pristine wilderness
The rainforests on the island of Borneo are gems of biodiversity, with thousands of species of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth. Soon, approximately 1,243 miles of pavement wil..View article
PRI on MSN.com PRI on MSN.com
Pristine Great Southern Reef a new ‘hope spot’
Phd student Carly Portch and Great Southern Marine Research Facility manager Wiebke Ebeling at Frenchman's Bay. Credit: Laurie Benson/Picture: Albert Pessarrodona., Laurie Benson Albany Adve..View article
The West Australian The West Australian
Tainted Water: Concern’s about B.C. resort town’s pristine water
Whistler, B.C., is a popular winter holiday destination that takes pride in its pristine water. But something is happening to that water when it goes through the pipes and plumbing of older..View article
Global News Global News
A planned Pan-Borneo highway threatens ancient, pristine wilderness
A planned 1,243-mile Pan-Borneo highway connecting the three nations that make up the island of Borneo — Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei — will make it easier for residents and ecotourists to..View article
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