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Pronunciation of pricey with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈpraɪsɪ
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Examples of in a sentence

Samsung launches pricey new Note as pandemic shrinks smartphone market
Listen Samsung launches pricey new Note as pandemic shrinks smartphone market pronunciation
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Pricey tutors. Groups of kids. How some parents will use 'pandemic pods' this fall
Listen Pricey tutors. Groups of kids. How some parents will use 'pandemic pods' this fall pronunciation
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Sales of pricey New York City apartments plunge as the suburbs become cool again
Listen Sales of pricey New York City apartments plunge as the suburbs become cool again pronunciation
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Seattle protesters' lawsuit over pricey protective gear 'out of bounds,' attorney says
Listen Seattle protesters' lawsuit over pricey protective gear 'out of bounds,' attorney says pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
How you can cut the pricey cost of a mortgage refinance
Listen How you can cut the pricey cost of a mortgage refinance pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on pricey

Apple's $699 Mac Pro wheels too pricey? These are much cheaper.
Listen Apple's $699 Mac Pro wheels too pricey? These are much cheaper. pronunciation
When Apple launched its Mac Pro in December 2019, it induced a collective gasp by pricing the optional wheels at $400. Then it induced another, bigger gasp by pricing them at $699 if you buy..View article
Mashable Mashable
Disney chooses to give Mulan a pricey release on Disney+
Listen Disney chooses to give Mulan a pricey release on Disney+ pronunciation
Disney announced this week it’d be releasing at least one of its pandemic-delayed films, not in theaters, but on its Disney+ streaming service. The live-action Mulan won’t be free, either ....View article
The Next Web The Next Web
Samsung launches pricey new Note as pandemic shrinks smartphone market
Listen Samsung launches pricey new Note as pandemic shrinks smartphone market pronunciation
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd <005930.KS> unveiled its latest Galaxy Note smartphone on Wednesday hoping to regain ground against rivals Huawei [HWT.UL] and Apple as the smartphone market begin..View article
Reuters Reuters
The new Galaxy Note 20 Ultra is pricey. Samsung tells us why
Listen The new Galaxy Note 20 Ultra is pricey. Samsung tells us why pronunciation
Samsung wants you to feel confident in splurging on the $1,299-plus Galaxy Note 20 Ultra, so it has gone to great lengths to make sure it'll last for years.
Digital Trends Digital Trends
Sorry, Albany: ‘Shampoo assistants’ don’t need pricey ‘cosmetology’ schooling
Listen Sorry, Albany: ‘Shampoo assistants’ don’t need pricey ‘cosmetology’ schooling pronunciation
New Yorkers are hurting for jobs. But New York state lawmakers are poised to make it even tougher to earn a paycheck, by concocting licensing requirements for something as simple as giving a
New York Post New York Post
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pricey pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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