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Pronunciation of poppa with 4 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈpɒpə
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Wiki content for poppa

Examples of in a sentence

Drugs kingpin ‘Big Poppa’ nailed over £1.3m cocaine and heroin ring after cops crack secret EncroChat network
Listen Drugs kingpin ‘Big Poppa’ nailed over £1.3m cocaine and heroin ring after cops crack secret EncroChat network pronunciation
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Mill City burger stand Poppa Al's offers free gift cards to locals impacted by COVID-19
Listen Mill City burger stand Poppa Al's offers free gift cards to locals impacted by COVID-19 pronunciation
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Carl Reiner beats Mel Brooks to the bad taste punch in Where’s Poppa?
Listen Carl Reiner beats Mel Brooks to the bad taste punch in Where’s Poppa? pronunciation
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He missed his poppa.
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Delivering alcoholic frozen treats to Charleston-area suburbs with the 'Booze Poppa'
Listen Delivering alcoholic frozen treats to Charleston-area suburbs with the 'Booze Poppa' pronunciation
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Trending news on poppa

Delivering alcoholic frozen treats to Charleston-area suburbs with the 'Booze Poppa'
Listen Delivering alcoholic frozen treats to Charleston-area suburbs with the 'Booze Poppa' pronunciation
“Call me the Booze Poppa,” he replied, laughing. My ride for the day was with Williams, who has been working on and off for Booze Pops for about nine months. At the beginning of the ...
Post and Courier Charleston Post and Courier Charleston
Drugs kingpin ‘Big Poppa’ nailed over £1.3m cocaine and heroin ring after cops crack secret EncroChat network
Listen Drugs kingpin ‘Big Poppa’ nailed over £1.3m cocaine and heroin ring after cops crack secret EncroChat network pronunciation
A DRUGS kingpin was nailed today over a £1.3million cocaine and heroin racket after cops cracked a secret phone network. Darren Collin’s role in the huge supply operation was revealed by exp..View article
The Sun The Sun
Mill City burger stand Poppa Al's offers free gift cards to locals impacted by COVID-19
Listen Mill City burger stand Poppa Al's offers free gift cards to locals impacted by COVID-19 pronunciation
Owner Kevin Muniz was inspired to offer the cards as gifts to help Santiam Canyon residents struggling with the impact of the pandemic.
Statesman Journal Statesman Journal
Carl Reiner beats Mel Brooks to the bad taste punch in Where’s Poppa?
Listen Carl Reiner beats Mel Brooks to the bad taste punch in Where’s Poppa? pronunciation
The recent passing of Carl Reiner has provided just such an occasion. When Robert Klane set out to write the novel (and subsequent screenplay for) Where’s Poppa?, he did so with the express..View article
San Diego Reader San Diego Reader

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