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Ponte vedra

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    Meanings for Ponte vedra

    A beach that is situated in Florida, America.It is the most popular tourist location.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Ponte Vedra private equity firm buys Atlanta area bakery
    Listen Ponte Vedra private equity firm buys Atlanta area bakery pronunciation
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    Bartram Trail, Ponte Vedra hope to cap perfect week in girls soccer
    Listen Bartram Trail, Ponte Vedra hope to cap perfect week in girls soccer pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Ponte Vedra Beach: Parents outraged at high school bathroom closures
    Listen Ponte Vedra Beach: Parents outraged at high school bathroom closures pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Ponte Vedra soccer advances to Class 5A final riding 16-game unbeaten streak
    Listen Ponte Vedra soccer advances to Class 5A final riding 16-game unbeaten streak pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    The Prince of Ponte Vedra: Rory McIlroy the center of attention at TPC Sawgrass
    Listen The Prince of Ponte Vedra: Rory McIlroy the center of attention at TPC Sawgrass pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
    Listen :word pronunciation {{phrase.phrase}}
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    Trending news on Ponte vedra

    Ponte Vedra private equity firm buys Atlanta area bakery
    Listen Ponte Vedra private equity firm buys Atlanta area bakery pronunciation
    Ponte Vedra-based private equity firm Shoreline Equity Partners has acquired Engelman Baking Company Inc., a 38-year-old wholesale bakery in Norcross, Georgia. Terms of the deal were not dis..View article
    The Business Journals The Business Journals
    Bartram Trail, Ponte Vedra hope to cap perfect week in girls soccer
    Listen Bartram Trail, Ponte Vedra hope to cap perfect week in girls soccer pronunciation
    PONTE VEDRA, Fla. – It’s been a perfect start for area girls soccer teams in state championship matches this week. The area is 3 for 3 in title games this week, with Bishop Kenny, Bolles and..View article
    News4Jax News4Jax
    Ponte Vedra Beach: Parents outraged at high school bathroom closures
    Listen Ponte Vedra Beach: Parents outraged at high school bathroom closures pronunciation
    PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. — On Feb. 28, the Nease High School Principal Lisa Kunze sent out a newsletter announcing that several male bathrooms would be closed due to recent vandalism. In the..View article
    Action News Jax Action News Jax
    Ponte Vedra soccer advances to Class 5A final riding 16-game unbeaten streak
    Listen Ponte Vedra soccer advances to Class 5A final riding 16-game unbeaten streak pronunciation
    Odds have been against the Ponte Vedra girls soccer team for the last two months, and the Sharks have overcome them every time. Friday's Class 5A state final in DeLand is not any different.
    The St. Augustine Record The St. Augustine Record
    The Prince of Ponte Vedra: Rory McIlroy the center of attention at TPC Sawgrass
    Listen The Prince of Ponte Vedra: Rory McIlroy the center of attention at TPC Sawgrass pronunciation
    PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. – Rory McIlroy’s peers aren’t seeing his near misses this season. They’re seeing how he’s nearly dominating. “Where he might win four events in six weeks, or win a co..View article
    Golf Channel Golf Channel
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