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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈpɒlɪ
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    Meanings for Polly

    A feminine name that is of English origin.
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    Wiki content for Polly

    Polly - Polly is a nickname, often for either Mary or Dorothy, derived from their respective nicknames Molly and Dolly.
    Pollyanna - Pollyanna is a 1913 novel by American author Eleanor H. Porter, considered a classic of children's literature.
    Polly Bergen - Polly Bergen (born Nellie Paulina Burgin; July 14, 1930 – September 20, 2014) was an American actress, singer, television host, writer and entrepreneur.
    Poly Styrene - Marianne Joan Elliott-Said (3 July 1957 – 25 April 2011), known by the stage name Poly Styrene, was a British musician, singer-songwriter, and frontwoman for the punk rock band X-Ray Spex.
    Polly Pocket - Polly Pocket is a toy line of dolls and accessories. The Fashion Polly dolls sold by Mattel are significantly different from those originally created and sold by Bluebird Toys.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Why Polly Gray From Peaky Blinders Looks So Familiar
    Listen Why Polly Gray From Peaky Blinders Looks So Familiar pronunciation
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    Hearing Polly ‘PJ’ Harding on Radio, You’d Never Know She ...
    Listen Hearing Polly ‘PJ’ Harding on Radio, You’d Never Know She ... pronunciation
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    Mary Anette Polly | News/Talk/Sports 94.9 WSJM
    Listen Mary Anette Polly | News/Talk/Sports 94.9 WSJM pronunciation
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    Along Came Polly. - entertainment.ie
    Listen Along Came Polly. - entertainment.ie pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    From dragging hernias size of coconuts, little Polly has a ...
    Listen From dragging hernias size of coconuts, little Polly has a ... pronunciation
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    Trending news on Polly

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    Looking to add a new member to your family and make a positive impact on the Lorton community at the same time? Perhaps it's the right time to adopt a pet! Despite the ongoing coronavirus pa..View article
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    Pollard is only the 2nd player to do so after Yuvraj in the shortest format. Pollard's hammering set the way for Windies to win the match by 4 wickets and take a 1-0 lead in the series.
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    Interview with Jean Armour Polly: the woman who coined ...
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    Polly Du Plessis - Rotten Tomatoes
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    Rotten Tomatoes Rotten Tomatoes
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