Word Vocabulary and Pronunciation Polls

Which is the right way to pronounce the word marital?

ma - ruh - tl
maa - ruah - etl
msaa - rusah - etil
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Which is the exact pronunciation of the name Bernard Fanning?

buah - nuhda fan - uhnag
buh - nuhd fan - uhng
buah - nuhdaa faan - uhnag
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Which is the right way to pronounce the word bendigo?

bean - deee - goafh
ben - dee - goh
beatn - deeea - gosafh
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Which is the exact pronunciation of the name Melissa george?

meh - li - suh jawj
maeh - li - suh jawja
madeh - lid - suh jawja
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Which is the right way to pronounce the word Maryborough?

maeh - ruah - buh - ruah
maeh - ruash - buhas - rudah
meh - ruh - buh - ruh
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