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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈpɔɪnjənsɪ
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Meanings for poignancy

a state of deeply felt distress or sorrow
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Examples of in a sentence

María M Sánchez's new book El Jaripeo y Yo, a touching read on the author's journey in life that exudes with purpose and poignancy
Listen María M Sánchez's new book El Jaripeo y Yo, a touching read on the author's journey in life that exudes with purpose and poignancy pronunciation
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The Gypsy Bride by Katie Hutton: Soaring passions, human dramas and emotional poignancy - book review
Listen The Gypsy Bride by Katie Hutton: Soaring passions, human dramas and emotional poignancy - book review pronunciation
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THE WARNING injects poignancy into high-concept military sci-fi action
Listen THE WARNING injects poignancy into high-concept military sci-fi action pronunciation
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Evangeline's newly released "At the Door" is a stirring compendium of poems that reveal a life of poignancy and steadfast faith in God
Listen Evangeline's newly released "At the Door" is a stirring compendium of poems that reveal a life of poignancy and steadfast faith in God pronunciation
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Poignancy of two empty seats
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of poignancy

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Trending news on poignancy

The Gypsy Bride by Katie Hutton: Soaring passions, human dramas and emotional poignancy - book review
Listen The Gypsy Bride by Katie Hutton: Soaring passions, human dramas and emotional poignancy - book review pronunciation
With its soaring passions, human dramas and emotional poignancy, and its powerful evocation of the social constraints of living a life mapped out by tradition and family expectations, The Gy..View article
Lancashire Evening Post Lancashire Evening Post
María M Sánchez's new book El Jaripeo y Yo, a touching read on the author's journey in life that exudes with purpose and poignancy
Listen María M Sánchez's new book El Jaripeo y Yo, a touching read on the author's journey in life that exudes with purpose and poignancy pronunciation
DODGE CITY, Kan., June 24, 2020 /PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ -- The book El Jaripeo y Yo was created by María M Sánchez. María is an author and horsewoman who came from Arroyo Grande ...
THE WARNING injects poignancy into high-concept military sci-fi action
Listen THE WARNING injects poignancy into high-concept military sci-fi action pronunciation
Writer/artist Edward Laroche (Almighty, Bad Summer) will launch an all-new military science fiction series, THE WARNING, this November from Image Comics. An enormous machine is slowly materi..View article
Image Comics Image Comics
Evangeline's newly released "At the Door" is a stirring compendium of poems that reveal a life of poignancy and steadfast faith in God
Listen Evangeline's newly released "At the Door" is a stirring compendium of poems that reveal a life of poignancy and steadfast faith in God pronunciation
PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- "At the Door": an exquisite tome of heartfelt poems that reveal a journey of joys, sorrows, and faith that
Benzinga.com Benzinga.com
Michael Perry: Moved by sensations of sweeping poignancy
Listen Michael Perry: Moved by sensations of sweeping poignancy pronunciation
So our days are directed. Based on what I’ve heard so far today, Mr. Morricone was good at summoning sensations of sweeping poignancy, which has been no help at all in getting the chores don..View article
Madison.com Madison.com

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