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Learn how to pronounce pneumococcal pneumonia

pneumococcal pneumonia

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Phonetic spelling of pneumococcal pneumonia

pneumococcal pneumonia
p-neu-mo-coc-cal p-neu-mo-nia
pneumo-coc-cal pneu-mo-nia

Meanings for pneumococcal pneumonia

pneumonia caused by bacteria of the genus pneumococcus
Listen pneumonia caused by bacteria of the genus pneumococcus pronunciation
A bacterial infection that is life threatening in critical conditions.

Synonyms for pneumococcal pneumonia

Examples of in a sentence

People with pneumococcal pneumonia who are taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs at the point of diagnosis tend to develop more severe disease despite being younger and healthier than those not using these drugs, shows research
Listen People with pneumococcal pneumonia who are taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs at the point of diagnosis tend to develop more severe disease despite being younger and healthier than those not using these drugs, shows research pronunciation
Prevention of pneumococcal pneumonia by immunization with specific capsular polysaccharides.
Listen Prevention of pneumococcal pneumonia by immunization with specific capsular polysaccharides. pronunciation
For example, a person suffering with pneumococcal pneumonia may have chest pain, cough, purulent sputum, and fever.
Listen For example, a person suffering with pneumococcal pneumonia may have chest pain, cough, purulent sputum, and fever. pronunciation

Translations of pneumococcal pneumonia

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Antonyms for pneumococcal pneumonia

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