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Pronunciation of plunk with 4 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : plʌŋk
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Phonetic spelling of plunk

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Meanings for plunk

(baseball) hitting a baseball so that it drops suddenly
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a hollow twanging sound
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Examples of in a sentence

Boston might plunk apartments atop some of its library branches
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Rebels, Plunk run over Marcus
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Plunk, Olivia
31 ratings rating ratings
Opal Plunk Smith Corsaw
28 ratings rating ratings
Plunk, Rebels run past Frenship, 36-23
26 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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plunk should be in sentence

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Translations of plunk

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Trending news on plunk

Marjorie Plunk
Listen Marjorie Plunk pronunciation
Marjorie Plunk, 83, of Seminole, Fla. passed away peacefully at home Tuesday, June 23, 2020. Former residences included Tennessee and Arkansas. Marjorie was a graduate of Lambuth College in..View article
Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette
Brandon Dwain Plunk
Listen Brandon Dwain Plunk pronunciation
The “crime” field includes a description provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. The descriptions are manually entered and can vary between convictions for the same crime. Sour..View article
Texas Tribune Texas Tribune
From the Sidelines: Spring Hill's Maci Plunk
Listen From the Sidelines: Spring Hill's Maci Plunk pronunciation
Maci Plunk is a three-sport athlete at Spring Hill, enjoys some Raising Cane's and will study at Tarleton State
Tyler Morning Telegraph Tyler Morning Telegraph
Plunk $3,300 Into Each of These 3 Stocks and You Could Watch Your Wealth Grow Forever
Listen Plunk $3,300 Into Each of These 3 Stocks and You Could Watch Your Wealth Grow Forever pronunciation
Hello there, Fools. I’m back to highlight three attractive dividend-growth stocks. As a quick reminder, I do this because companies with consistently growing dividends So, even if you have j..View article
Patent Lawyer Darin Deaver Joins Plunk Smith in Frisco, Texas
Listen Patent Lawyer Darin Deaver Joins Plunk Smith in Frisco, Texas pronunciation
PRNewswire/ -- The Collin County-based law firm Plunk Smith, PLLC, has added accomplished intellectual property lawyer Darin Deaver as the firm further grows its offices in Frisco, Texas. Mr..View article
Associated Press Associated Press
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