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Pronunciation of plumb with 5 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : plÊŒm plʌm
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Phonetic spelling of plumb

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Meanings for plumb

adjust with a plumb line so as to make vertical
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measure the depth of something
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examine thoroughly and in great depth
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weight with lead
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plumb line
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Wiki content for plumb

Examples of in a sentence

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Worth Watching: Still 'Lost in Space,' John Mulaney Is a Big Kid on Netflix, 'Christmas Story' Marathon, Eve Plumb Keeps Renovating on HGTV
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Eve Plumb Will Star In Another HGTV Show Called ‘Generation Renovation’
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Ali Plumb gives us the lowdown on the 23 films to look forward to in 2020
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Money down the drain: Overcharging claims plumb fresh depths for trade
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plumb should be in sentence

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Translations of plumb

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Trending news on plumb

Eve Plumb will be back to star in Generation Renovation, a pilot set to air on Tuesday, Dec. 24, at 11 p.m. ET/PT. Eve is an expert home renovator and an avid collector of vintage décor and..View article
BroadwayWorld BroadwayWorld
Worth Watching: Still 'Lost in Space,' John Mulaney Is a Big Kid on Netflix, 'Christmas Story' Marathon, Eve Plumb Keeps Renovating on HGTV
A selective critical checklist of notable Tuesday TV: Here's a rundown of all of the best specials that will have you laughing this month. A Christmas Story (8/7c, TBS; 9/8c, TNT): Some trad..View article
TV Insider TV Insider
'The Brady Bunch' star Eve Plumb reveals she is working on her own show for HGTV titled 'Generation Renovation'
Here is something that fans of the hugely popular sitcom 'The Brady Bunch' can look forward to this Christmas. Eve Plumb, the former 'The Brady Bunch' star, is moving from 'A Very Brady Reno..View article
Meaww Meaww
Ali Plumb gives us the lowdown on the 23 films to look forward to in 2020
Here's a rundown of the cinema-filling blockbusters that we’ll be talking about over the next 12 months. The WWI thriller in which two soldiers are tasked with crossing dangerous territory t..View article
Eve Plumb Will Star In Another HGTV Show Called ‘Generation Renovation’
Eve Plumb will appear on another HGTV show. The show is called ‘Generation Renovation.’ In addition, Eve’s husband will appear on the show. It premieres on Christmas Eve. You may not know th..View article
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