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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈfɪzɪkəl
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    Examples of in a sentence

    German Physical Society demands nuclear disarmament
    51 ratings rating ratings
    The ‘Physical’ Trailer Has Rose Byrne (And Her Very 1980s Hair) Transforming Into A Fitness Guru
    Listen The ‘Physical’ Trailer Has Rose Byrne (And Her Very 1980s Hair) Transforming Into A Fitness Guru pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    11 fired, 6 suspended for Harris County Jail inmate's death after physical altercation with officers
    Listen 11 fired, 6 suspended for Harris County Jail inmate's death after physical altercation with officers pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    In Apple TV's trailer for new series “Physical,” “Desperate Housewives” meets ‘80s nostalgia
    Listen In Apple TV's trailer for new series “Physical,” “Desperate Housewives” meets ‘80s nostalgia pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    'We gotta be dogs': The Bucks' physical edge has been on full display as they've built a 3-0 lead over the Heat
    Listen 'We gotta be dogs': The Bucks' physical edge has been on full display as they've built a 3-0 lead over the Heat pronunciation
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    Trending news on physical

    As cease-fire holds in Gaza, a painful reckoning with war’s physical toll
    Listen As cease-fire holds in Gaza, a painful reckoning with war’s physical toll pronunciation
    Palestinians in Gaza are still picking up the pieces after the latest Israel-Hamas war. Some family reunions are taking place at hospital beds.
    Christian Science Monitor Christian Science Monitor
    Amazon weighing entry into physical pharmacy stores - Insider
    Listen Amazon weighing entry into physical pharmacy stores - Insider pronunciation
    Amazon.com Inc is considering the launch of physical pharmacies in the United States, Insider reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with the matter. The talks are mostly explorator..View article
    Reuters on MSN.com Reuters on MSN.com
    Pelissero: Todd Gurley visits Lions, takes physical
    Listen Pelissero: Todd Gurley visits Lions, takes physical pronunciation
    NFL Network's Tom Pelissero reports running back Todd Gurley visits Detroit Lions, takes physical. NFL Network's Andrew Hawkins shares New England Patriots should 'absolutely' trade for Atla..View article
    America's Best Physical Rehab Centers 2021
    Listen America's Best Physical Rehab Centers 2021 pronunciation
    Newsweek is partnering with the respected global data research firm Statista Inc. to establish a ranking of Best Physical Rehabilitation Centers in the United States 2021. If you work in thi..View article
    Newsweek on MSN.com Newsweek on MSN.com
    Doctors, patients dealing with increasing physical, mental health consequences of pandemic
    Listen Doctors, patients dealing with increasing physical, mental health consequences of pandemic pronunciation
    As we report fewer cases of COVID-19, doctors say they are starting to see major secondary health consequences in their patients from the pandemic.
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