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Pronunciation of Phuoc with 4 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Phuoc

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Meanings for Phuoc

A unisex name which means blessing or lucky.
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Blessing or Lucky
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Wiki content for Phuoc

Examples of in a sentence

Unspoiled tourist destinations in Binh Phuoc province
Listen Unspoiled tourist destinations in Binh Phuoc province pronunciation
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Bante Dhammananda Thero (Thich Phuoc Ngoc) shows his love for the country and people of Sri Lanka
Listen Bante Dhammananda Thero (Thich Phuoc Ngoc) shows his love for the country and people of Sri Lanka pronunciation
-1 rating rating ratings
Phuoc Binh National Park rescues starving gaurs
Listen Phuoc Binh National Park rescues starving gaurs pronunciation
-1 rating rating ratings
Dr. Phuoc T. Vuong
Listen Dr. Phuoc T. Vuong pronunciation
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phuoc is ugly.
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Translations of Phuoc

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Trending news on Phuoc

Dr. Phuoc T. Vuong
Listen Dr. Phuoc T. Vuong pronunciation
U.S. News provides information on each dentist's specialty, patient experience, and location to help you find the best dentist for you. Dr. Phuoc T. Vuong is a dentist in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
image-unavailable U.S. News & World Report
Bante Dhammananda Thero (Thich Phuoc Ngoc) shows his love for the country and people of Sri Lanka
Listen Bante Dhammananda Thero (Thich Phuoc Ngoc) shows his love for the country and people of Sri Lanka pronunciation
Venerable Dhammananda Thích Phuoc Ngoc Thero, who received the Official state of the Sri Lankan Buddhist Sangha and became the first Vietnamese dignitary of the Sri Lankan Sangha community ...View article
image-unavailable The Daily Mirror
Phuoc Binh National Park rescues starving gaurs
Listen Phuoc Binh National Park rescues starving gaurs pronunciation
Phuoc Binh National Park is trying to save a group of 11 cross-bred guars which have been left staving in Ninh Thuan Province. Abandoned guars in Ninh Thuan Province. Luu Xuan Ninh, chairman..View article
vietreader.com vietreader.com
Unspoiled tourist destinations in Binh Phuoc province
Listen Unspoiled tourist destinations in Binh Phuoc province pronunciation
You can visit Binh Phuoc province by bus or motorbike, taking extensive rubber forests and cashew orchards, the Dong Nai, Be, and Sai Gon river, magnificent Dak Mai waterfall, Voi waterfall,..View article
vietreader.com vietreader.com

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Antonyms for Phuoc

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