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Phonetic spelling of Pharez

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Meanings for Pharez

A masculine name that is of Hebrew origin.
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Quiz on Pharez


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Wiki content for Pharez

Pharez Whitted - Pharez Whitted is an American jazz trumpeter and educator from Indianapolis.
Pharez Phillips - Pharez Phillips (22 November 1855 – 9 August 1914) was an Australian politician.
Pharrell Williams - Pharrell Lanscileo Williams (; born April 5, 1973) is an American singer, rapper, songwriter, record producer, fashion designer, and entrepreneur.
Pharenda - Pharenda, or Anandnagar, is a small city in the Maharajganj district of the province of Uttar Pradesh in northern India.
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Examples of in a sentence

Slideshow: The Indianapolis Jazz Collective with Pharez Whitted
Listen Slideshow: The Indianapolis Jazz Collective with Pharez Whitted pronunciation
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Justin Pharez Smith
Listen Justin Pharez Smith pronunciation
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Pharez Whitted reaches people onstage and off
Listen Pharez Whitted reaches people onstage and off pronunciation
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Hot Chocolate Anyone? Sign Us Up For Gorgeous Teacher Pharez Lass' Class
Listen Hot Chocolate Anyone? Sign Us Up For Gorgeous Teacher Pharez Lass' Class pronunciation
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Review: Pharez Whitted's shattering statement
Listen Review: Pharez Whitted's shattering statement pronunciation
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Translations of Pharez

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Trending news on Pharez

Pharez Whitted: Transient Journey
Listen Pharez Whitted: Transient Journey pronunciation
The intimidating yet dapper looking man on the cover plays his horn in the same striking manner of his appearance. Chicago trumpeter Pharez Whitted as they might say on the street, "Ain't No..View article
Jazz Jazz
Pharez Whitted '82 to Perform at Ralph Adams Lifetime Achievement Awards
Listen Pharez Whitted '82 to Perform at Ralph Adams Lifetime Achievement Awards pronunciation
Read more at IndyStar.com. You'll find additional information on Pharez Whitted, a graduate of the DePauw University School of Music, in this recent article.
DePauw University DePauw University
Pharez Whitted: For The People
Listen Pharez Whitted: For The People pronunciation
Saxophonist Pharez Whitted has had an unusual recording career. Fourteen years separated Mysterious Cargo (Motown Records, 1996) from Transient Journey (Owl Studios, 2010), as Whitted dedica..View article
Jazz Jazz
DownBeat Features Jazz Trumpeter Pharez Whitted '82
Listen DownBeat Features Jazz Trumpeter Pharez Whitted '82 pronunciation
"Music has the power to help mellow out some screwed-up philosophies," says trumpeter Pharez Whitted. The 1982 DePauw University tells DownBeat, "I'd like my music to speak to that. Believe..View article
DePauw University DePauw University
Review: Pharez Whitted's shattering statement
Listen Review: Pharez Whitted's shattering statement pronunciation
The pivotal moment in trumpeter Pharez Whitted's majestic performance Friday night at the Green Mill Jazz Club came near the end. Though the Chicago musician had been riding funk-tinged beat..View article
Chicago Tribune Chicago Tribune
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