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Pronunciation of permanence with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈpɜːmənəns
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Meanings for permanence

object permanence
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the property of being able to exist for an indefinite duration
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Synonyms for permanence

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Antonyms for permanence

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Wiki content for permanence

Examples of in a sentence

Jowett's theological work was transitional, and yet has an element of permanence.
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Hooper Crescent share debut album ‘Object Permanence’
Listen Hooper Crescent share debut album ‘Object Permanence’ pronunciation
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Whiting column: Consider the possibility of permanence
Listen Whiting column: Consider the possibility of permanence pronunciation
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Introduction: the future of permanence in an age of ephemera
Listen Introduction: the future of permanence in an age of ephemera pronunciation
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The Bell is tolling; Are you listening, Growth maniacs?! Economy of Development Vs Economy of Permanence
Listen The Bell is tolling; Are you listening, Growth maniacs?! Economy of Development Vs Economy of Permanence pronunciation
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Trending news on permanence

The undying permanence of dates
Listen The undying permanence of dates pronunciation
I was brought up to disregard birthdays and anniversaries. These were just random points on a man-made calendar in a bid to cordon off seasons and tie up time to a lamppost, my ever-practica..View article
The Bell is tolling; Are you listening, Growth maniacs?! Economy of Development Vs Economy of Permanence
Listen The Bell is tolling; Are you listening, Growth maniacs?! Economy of Development Vs Economy of Permanence pronunciation
Kenneth E Boulding, an English-American economist and an interdisciplinary philosopher once said; “Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madm..View article
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Introduction: the future of permanence in an age of ephemera
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As such, the only nonsocial and authentic criterion for judging these specifically cultural things is their relative permanence and even eventual immortality. Only what will last through the..View article
The New Criterion The New Criterion
Whiting column: Consider the possibility of permanence
Listen Whiting column: Consider the possibility of permanence pronunciation
The phrase “possibility of permanence” is interesting and bears consideration. Whether it be decision-making, potential actions or possible solutions, we often don’t realize the possibility..View article
image-unavailable Post Independent Citizen Telegram
Hooper Crescent share debut album ‘Object Permanence’
Listen Hooper Crescent share debut album ‘Object Permanence’ pronunciation
Melbourne outfit Hooper Crescent have released their debut album, ‘Object Permanence’, today (July 31), via Spoilsport Records.
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