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Phonetic spelling of pelletier

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Meanings for pelletier

A popular feminine that is of French origin.
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Wiki content for pelletier

Examples of in a sentence

DEERFIELD'S Troy Pelletier has been named to the Jerry Rice Award watch list for his efforts as a freshman wide receiver for Lehigh University of Bethlehem, Pa
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From the left is Cynthia Pelletier, Raeanne Donaldson, Noella Eagle and James Herceg
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University of Rhode Island sophomore Alexa Pelletier of Hampton knows it won’t be easy to qualify for the NCAA Division I cross country championship
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Myrval Pelletier, 76; service held
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Trending news on pelletier

Pelletier, Tawiyaka lose appeals on home invasion case
Both appealed their convictions, while Pelletier also sought to have his sentence reduced in the event the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal opted to dismiss the conviction appeals. In a unanimou..View article
Leader-Post Leader-Post
Flames prospect Pelletier wants to impress in Canada-Russia Series
Calgary Flames up-and-comer Jakob Pelletier has shown it, too. Last spring, some advised Pelletier that he’d be better off skipping the IIHF World Under-18 Championship in Sweden because, wi..View article
Calgary Herald Calgary Herald
Melissa A Pelletier
Ever since your child entered middle or high school, you may have noticed some changes in your child's mood, behavior or circle of friends. It is heartbreaking to see your child losing sleep..View article
Psychology Today Psychology Today
Obituary: Lionel A. Pelletier
LIVERMORE FALLS – Lionel A. Pelletier, 78, a resident of Livermore Falls, passed away peacefully, November 20, 2019, at home with his loving family by his side. He was born November 15, 1941..View article
image-unavailable Sun Journal
‘Truly selfless’: John Pelletier's spirit inspires during season of giving in Fond du Lac
‘Truly selfless’: John Pelletier's spirit inspires during season of giving in Fond du Lac John Pelletier, who helped found Fond du Lac Morning Rotary and coordinated Salvation Army's counter..View article
Action Reporter Media Action Reporter Media
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