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Meanings for partizan

A Serbian professional football club, which was managed by Aleksandar Stanojević and was founded in the year 1945.
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Synonyms for partizan

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Antonyms for partizan

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Wiki content for partizan

Partizan - Partizan may refer to:
Partizan Stadium - The Partizan Stadium (Serbian: Стадион Партизанa, romanized: Stadion Partizana) is a football and track-and-field stadium in Autokomanda, municipality of Savski Venac, Belgrade, Serbia, which
Partizansk - Partizansk (Russian: Партиза́нск) is a town in Primorsky Krai, Russia, located on a spur of the Sikhote-Alin Mountains, about 170 kilometers (110 mi) east of Vladivostok, the administrative c
Partizán Bardejov - NFL Partizán Bardejov is a Slovak football team, based in the town of Bardejov. The club was founded in 1922. The club currently plays in the 2. liga, the second tier of the Slovak football l
Partizánske - Partizánske (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈpaɾtizaːnskɛ] (listen), meaning approximately partisan town, formerly: Baťovany) is a town in Trenčín Region, Slovakia.
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Examples of in a sentence

Partizan Belgrade kicked out of 2007/08 UEFA Cup
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Serbia and Montenegro football: Partizan secures League title
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Partizan increases its lead
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Ludogorets squeeze out Partizan
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Ludogorets fail to breach Partizan
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partizan should be in sentence

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Translations of partizan

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