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Meanings for parenchyma

It is a cellular tissue present in both animals and plants and is used for photosynthesis, food storage.
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Examples of in a sentence

Periderm; c, cortex; ph, phlocni with alternating strands of fibres, sieve-tubes and parenchyma; ~r.r, principal ray; Sr., subordinate rays; ca, cambium.
Listen Periderm; c, cortex; ph, phlocni with alternating strands of fibres, sieve-tubes and parenchyma; ~r.r, principal ray; Sr., subordinate rays; ca, cambium. pronunciation
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The walls are pitted, and protoplasmic connections between the laticiferous tubes and neighboring parenchyma-cells have been seen.
Listen The walls are pitted, and protoplasmic connections between the laticiferous tubes and neighboring parenchyma-cells have been seen. pronunciation
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The phloem consists of sieve-tubes, with pitted areas on the lateral as well as on the inclined terminal walls, phloem-parenchyma and, in some genera, fibres.
Listen The phloem consists of sieve-tubes, with pitted areas on the lateral as well as on the inclined terminal walls, phloem-parenchyma and, in some genera, fibres. pronunciation
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Abies, Tsuga, Larix, &c., the mesophyll is heterogeneous, consisting of palisade and spongy parenchyma.
Listen Abies, Tsuga, Larix, &c., the mesophyll is heterogeneous, consisting of palisade and spongy parenchyma. pronunciation
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Detection of Aerosolized Fluorescent Microspheres in the Lung Parenchyma and Air Sacs of Pigeons (Columbia livia domestica)
Listen Detection of Aerosolized Fluorescent Microspheres in the Lung Parenchyma and Air Sacs of Pigeons (Columbia livia domestica) pronunciation
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Translations of parenchyma

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Trending news on parenchyma

Detection of Aerosolized Fluorescent Microspheres in the Lung Parenchyma and Air Sacs of Pigeons (Columbia livia domestica)
Listen Detection of Aerosolized Fluorescent Microspheres in the Lung Parenchyma and Air Sacs of Pigeons (Columbia livia domestica) pronunciation
All microspheres were coated with albumin prior to aerosolization to reduce the loss of microspheres from the lung parenchyma and air sacs during fixation and processing of tissues. The late..View article
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Lung Parenchyma Of Patient, B (image)
Listen Lung Parenchyma Of Patient, B (image) pronunciation
Lung parenchyma of patient 64 years old with COVID-19. Staining with hematoxylin and eosin. Microphoto, ×400. Spherocytes, microcytes, hypo- and hyperchromic erythrocytes are identified ...
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