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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈpændə
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    giant panda
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    Wiki content for panda

    Pandanus tectorius - Pandanus tectorius is a species of Pandanus (screwpine) that is native to Malesia, eastern Australia, and the Pacific Islands.
    PANDAS - Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS) is a hypothesis that there exists a subset of children with rapid onset of obsessive-compulsi
    Pandanus - Pandanus is a genus of monocots with some 750 accepted species. They are palm-like, dioecious trees and shrubs native to the Old World tropics and subtropics.
    Panda Bear (musician) - Noah Benjamin Lennox (born July 17, 1978), also known by his moniker Panda Bear, is an American musician, singer-songwriter and co-founding member of the experimental pop band Animal Collecti
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Ten April Fool's pranks of 2009
    Listen Ten April Fool's pranks of 2009 pronunciation
    45 ratings rating ratings
    Suspect in Colorado anti-evolution death threats case is missing
    Listen Suspect in Colorado anti-evolution death threats case is missing pronunciation
    42 ratings rating ratings
    Unreported tainted milk incident publicised in China
    Listen Unreported tainted milk incident publicised in China pronunciation
    39 ratings rating ratings
    Teaching Intelligent Design: Incumbent Dover PA school board fails reelection
    Listen Teaching Intelligent Design: Incumbent Dover PA school board fails reelection pronunciation
    36 ratings rating ratings
    The Raveonettes on love, death, desire and war
    Listen The Raveonettes on love, death, desire and war pronunciation
    32 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on panda

    Twice as Cute: Berlin Zoo Releases New Photos of Growing Baby Panda Twins
    Listen Twice as Cute: Berlin Zoo Releases New Photos of Growing Baby Panda Twins pronunciation
    What’s better than a baby panda? Two baby pandas! The Berlin Zoo has shared some new photos of the twin pandas that were born there in August, and the images are even more adorable than you’..View article
    People People
    The search is on for a red panda that escaped a French zoo
    Listen The search is on for a red panda that escaped a French zoo pronunciation
    PARIS (AP) — A search is on for a red panda that broke out of a zoo in the Rhone region of southeastern France. Officials at the Saint-Martin-la-Plaine Zoo said the endangered animal was las..View article
    Winston-Salem Journal Winston-Salem Journal
    WEB EXTRA: Baby Panda Has The Hiccups
    Listen WEB EXTRA: Baby Panda Has The Hiccups pronunciation
    A baby panda at the Berlin Zoo appeared to have a case of the hiccups in a video shared on Thursday. Here's a look at the almost 3-month-old cub and its bout of adorable hiccups.
    CBS Boston / WBZ CBS Boston / WBZ
    Bei Bei, D.C.’s homegrown panda, returns to China, ancestral roots
    Listen Bei Bei, D.C.’s homegrown panda, returns to China, ancestral roots pronunciation
    But like many Americans on their first trip to a foreign country, he is struggling with the food and the language. The giant panda cub, born and bred at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.,..View article
    The Columbian The Columbian
    Korea’s Contents Panda strikes multiple deals for ‘Start-up’
    Listen Korea’s Contents Panda strikes multiple deals for ‘Start-up’ pronunciation
    IMDb.com, Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the above news articles, Tweets, or blog posts. This content is published for the entertainment of our users only. The n..View article
    IMDb IMDb
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