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Phonetic spelling of Panagiotis

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Meanings for Panagiotis

It is a masculine name that is of Greek origin.
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Wiki content for Panagiotis

Panagiotis - Panagiotis or Panayiotis (Greek: Παναγιώτης, IPA: [panaˈʝotis]), "Παν" (all) "άγιος" (holy or saint) suffix "-της" (which can mean "of the"), is a common male Greek name.
Panagiotis Kone - Panagiotis Kone (Greek: Παναγιώτης Κονέ, born 26 July 1987) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder with Western United in the Australia football competition t
Panagiotis Giannakis - Panagiotis Giannakis (Greek: Παναγιώτης Γιαννάκης, pronounced [panaˈʝotis ʝaˈnacis]; born January 1, 1959), nicknamed "The Dragon", is a retired Greek professional basketball player and coach
Panagiotis Tachtsidis - Panagiotis Tachtsidis (Greek: Παναγιώτης Ταχτσίδης; born 15 February 1991) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Lecce and the Greece national team.
Panagiotis Triadis - Panagiotis Triadis (Greek: Παναγιώτης Τριάδης; born 9 September 1992 in Herdecke, Germany) is a Greek professional football player who currently plays for NorthEast United in the Indian Super
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Examples of in a sentence

Panagiotis Andreou: The World In A Bass
Listen Panagiotis Andreou: The World In A Bass pronunciation
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KALKANAS, Panagiotis
Listen KALKANAS, Panagiotis pronunciation
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Panagiotis “Takis” Kardassilaris, Warren, Ohio
Listen Panagiotis “Takis” Kardassilaris, Warren, Ohio pronunciation
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Translations of Panagiotis

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Trending news on Panagiotis

Panagiotis “Takis” Kardassilaris, Warren, Ohio
Listen Panagiotis “Takis” Kardassilaris, Warren, Ohio pronunciation
WARREN, Ohio (MyValleyTributes) – Panagiotis “Takis” Kardassilaris, 74, passed away Tuesday, November 19, 2019. He was born June 26, 1945, in Chios, Greece, the son of the late Dimitra (Stak..View article
KALKANAS, Panagiotis
Listen KALKANAS, Panagiotis pronunciation
A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on o..View article
image-unavailable Townsville Bulletin
Panagiotis Andreou: The World In A Bass
Listen Panagiotis Andreou: The World In A Bass pronunciation
My first encounter with Panagiotis Andreou was while covering a bass workshop that included him along with the likes of Richard Bona (Zawinul Syndicate, Mike Stern), Michael League (Snarky P..View article
Jazz Jazz

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