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Learn how to pronounce Padma lakshmi

Padma lakshmi

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Phonetic spelling of Padma lakshmi

padma lakshmi
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Meanings for Padma lakshmi

She is an American model who is known for her appearance in many films and also for hosting TV shows like Top Chef, Planet Food.
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Wiki content for Padma lakshmi

Examples of in a sentence

Padma Lakshmi calls out mag for mistaken identity
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Padma Lakshmi calls out magazine for confusing her with Priyanka Chopra
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Padma Lakshmi SLAMS New Yorker for confusing her with Priyanka Chopra: 'I know we all look alike'
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Padma Lakshmi Epically Claps Back After Being Confused with Priyanka Chopra
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Padma Lakshmi, 49, bares all in jaw-dropping photo shoot: 'More beautiful every year'
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Trending news on Padma lakshmi

Padma Lakshmi calls out The New Yorker for confusing her and Priyanka Chopra
On Sunday, Lakshmi, 49, posted a screenshot from the official New Yorker Instagram page of the mix-up, which has since been deleted from the magazine’s social media. “Thank you to the illust..View article
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Padma Lakshmi responds to The New Yorker confusing her for Priyanka Chopra
“Top Chef” host Padma Lakshmi has hit back at The New Yorker over its recent flub. In a post on Instagram, the outlet had erroneously tagged actress Priyanka Chopra, who’s also South Asian a..View article
NBC News NBC News
Padma Lakshmi scorches The New Yorker for confusing her with Priyanka Chopra
The longtime "Top Chef" host, 49, scorched The New Yorker magazine on Instagram Sunday for confusing her with fellow Indian actress Priyanka Chopra, 37. Lakshmi shared a screenshot from the..View article
USA Today USA Today
Padma Lakshmi's Stinging Response To Magazine For Mistaking Her For Priyanka Chopra
Padma Lakshmi, who sports many hats, recently called out The New Yorker magazine for tagging global star Priyanka Chopra in a post featuring her. The 49-year-old model, author, actress and T..View article
Padma Lakshmi Perfectly Called Out A Magazine That Confused Her For Priyanka Chopra
@newyorkermag / Via Instagram To be clear, THIS is Priyanka Chopra. She's an actor, producer, and the wife of Nick Jonas. She is definitely NOT Padma Lakshmi. Alberto Pizzoli / Getty Images..View article
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