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Learn how to pronounce Oscar de la hoya

Oscar de la hoya

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Pronunciation of Oscar de la hoya with 3 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Oscar de la hoya

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Meanings for Oscar de la hoya

An American boxer, who won world titles in the six weight classes.
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Examples of in a sentence

Oscar De La Hoya plans to come out of retirement after 12 years away from ring
Listen Oscar De La Hoya plans to come out of retirement after 12 years away from ring pronunciation
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Oscar De La Hoya's comeback fight against a top boxer could get dark in a hurry
Listen Oscar De La Hoya's comeback fight against a top boxer could get dark in a hurry pronunciation
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Oscar De La Hoya says he'll end retirement, return to ring at 47
Listen Oscar De La Hoya says he'll end retirement, return to ring at 47 pronunciation
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Oscar De La Hoya to come out of retirement aged 47
Listen Oscar De La Hoya to come out of retirement aged 47 pronunciation
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47-Year-Old Oscar De La Hoya Ends Retirement: 'I Miss Being in the Ring'
Listen 47-Year-Old Oscar De La Hoya Ends Retirement: 'I Miss Being in the Ring' pronunciation
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Trending news on Oscar de la hoya

Dana White on Oscar De La Hoya returning from retirement: ‘Cocaine isn’t cheap’
Listen Dana White on Oscar De La Hoya returning from retirement: ‘Cocaine isn’t cheap’ pronunciation
Dana White offers his unique take on Oscar De La Hoya declaring that he’s returning from retirement to box again at 47 years of age.
MMAFighting.com on MSN.com MMAFighting.com on MSN.com
UFC's Dana White Mocks Oscar De La Hoya's Boxing Comeback: 'Cocaine Isn't Cheap'
Listen UFC's Dana White Mocks Oscar De La Hoya's Boxing Comeback: 'Cocaine Isn't Cheap' pronunciation
UFC president Dana White seemed to make fun of Oscar De La Hoya's comeback announcement, saying the Golden Boy simply wants the money because "cocaine isn't cheap."
International Business Times International Business Times
Oscar De La Hoya, 47, to Resume Boxing Career After 12-Year Retirement
Listen Oscar De La Hoya, 47, to Resume Boxing Career After 12-Year Retirement pronunciation
Oscar De La Hoya Is Still Looking For a Fight. Should He? De La Hoya won gold at the 1992 Olympics before winning the WBO junior lightweight title in 1994. He would win hi
Sports Illustrated Sports Illustrated
Dana White on Oscar De La Hoya's return to boxing: 'Cocaine isn't cheap'
Listen Dana White on Oscar De La Hoya's return to boxing: 'Cocaine isn't cheap' pronunciation
UFC president Dana White had a classic response to Oscar De La Hoya's apparent plans to return to the boxing ring. The 47-year-old De La Hoya, who hasn't fought since a December 2008 loss to..View article
MMAJunkie on MSN.com MMAJunkie on MSN.com
The unknown of the NBA Draft Lottery awaits, Oscar De La Hoya announces return to boxing, and other sports news
Listen The unknown of the NBA Draft Lottery awaits, Oscar De La Hoya announces return to boxing, and other sports news pronunciation
Last year's NBA Draft Lottery brought an element of surprise that had been missing from the event, so now all eyes are on who will get the top pick in 2020.
Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia Inquirer
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