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    Meanings for Orissa

    A country in Indian state known for its tribal cultures and many ancient Hindu temples.
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    Wiki content for Orissa

    Orissa Engineering College - Orissa Engineering College, Bhubaneswar (Odia: ଓଡିଶା ଯାନ୍ତ୍ରିକ ମହାବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ଭୁବନେଶ୍ଵର)is a First private engineering college established in Odisha.
    Orissa famine of 1866 - The Orissa famine of 1866 affected the east coast of India from Madras northwards, an area covering 180,000 miles and containing a population of 47,500,000; the impact of the famine, however,
    Orissa Tributary States - The Orissa Tributary States, also known as the Garhjats and as the Orissa Feudatory States, were a group of princely states of British India now part of the present-day Indian state of Odisha
    Orissa High Court - The Orissa High Court is the High Court of the state of Odisha.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Senior Advocate Designation: Orissa HC Annuls Own Ruling
    Listen Senior Advocate Designation: Orissa HC Annuls Own Ruling pronunciation
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    Orissa High Court quashes Odisha government order on merger of schools
    Listen Orissa High Court quashes Odisha government order on merger of schools pronunciation
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    Orissa high court directs OUAT to appoint dean for veterinary college
    Listen Orissa high court directs OUAT to appoint dean for veterinary college pronunciation
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    Golanthara Custodial Death: PIL Filed In Orissa High Court Seeking CBI Probe
    Listen Golanthara Custodial Death: PIL Filed In Orissa High Court Seeking CBI Probe pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Orissa HC Orders Eviction Of Illegal Prawn Gherries In Eco-Sensitive Wetland Areas
    Listen Orissa HC Orders Eviction Of Illegal Prawn Gherries In Eco-Sensitive Wetland Areas pronunciation
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    Translations of Orissa

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    Trending news on Orissa

    Orissa High Courts’ summer vacation advanced by three weeks
    Listen Orissa High Courts’ summer vacation advanced by three weeks pronunciation
    In view of the alarming surge in Covid-19 cases, the Orissa High Court on Friday advanced its ensuing summer vacation by three weeks. “The summer vacation of the High Court commencing from M..View article
    The Pioneer The Pioneer
    Orissa high court directs govt to check feasibility of PET-CT scan units
    Listen Orissa high court directs govt to check feasibility of PET-CT scan units pronunciation
    The Orissa high court has directed the health and family welfare department to examine the feasibility of establishing PET-CT scan facilities at two o
    India Times India Times
    Orissa High Court, Subordinate Courts To Remain Closed For Summer Vacations From May 3 To June 5
    Listen Orissa High Court, Subordinate Courts To Remain Closed For Summer Vacations From May 3 To June 5 pronunciation
    In view of the unusual and alarming surge in the Covid-19 pandemic, the ensuing Summer Vacation of the Orissa High Court commencing from 24th May 2021 has been advanced to 03rd May 2021 and
    Live Law Live Law
    COVID-19- Doorstep Vaccination Of Elderly, Disabled And Others Who Can't Approach Vaccination Centres: Orissa HC Seeks Centre's Response
    Listen COVID-19- Doorstep Vaccination Of Elderly, Disabled And Others Who Can't Approach Vaccination Centres: Orissa HC Seeks Centre's Response pronunciation
    Dealing with a petition seeking judicial intervention to ensure vaccination for senior citizens with ailments and for those who are physically challenged and are unable to approach the
    Live Law Live Law
    Ex-Orissa POST journo Sumit Onka dies of Covid
    Listen Ex-Orissa POST journo Sumit Onka dies of Covid pronunciation
    Bhubaneswar: The novel coronavirus has claimed the life of another journalist in Odisha. Sumit Onka, a native of Jeypore in Koraput district succumbed to Covid-19, Tuesday. He was working as..View article
    orissapost.com orissapost.com
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