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Phonetic spelling of Orisha

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Meanings for Orisha

A spirit person living in the sky
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Wiki content for Orisha

Orisha - Orisha (spelled òrìṣà in the Yoruba language, and orichá or orixá in Latin America) are spirits sent by (Olodumare, Olorun, Olofi) in Yoruba religion.
Orishas (band) - Orishas are a Cuban hip hop group from Havana, Cuba, founded in 1999. The group was first called "Amenaza", "threat" or "menace" in Spanish, and appealed to the Cuban youth who were hungry fo
Orishatukeh Faduma - Orishatukeh Faduma (born, September 15, 1855, Guyana - died January 25, 1946, High Point, North Carolina) was an African-American Christian missionary and educator who was also an advocate f
Orisha (disambiguation) - Orisha is an elemental spirit of the Yoruba religion.
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Examples of in a sentence

Villa Orisha – Home 174816 Villa
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Orisha, Airships, and Djinn: Announcing a Pair of Steampunk Novellas by P. Djèlí Clark
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Trending news on Orisha

Orisha, Airships, and Djinn: Announcing a Pair of Steampunk Novellas by P. Djèlí Clark
A 1912 Cairo filled with alchemy and djinn and a nineteenth-century New Orleans of orisha and airships seemed some great places to start. I’m delighted that Tor.com is giving me the chance t..View article
image-unavailable Tor.com
Villa Orisha – Home 174816 Villa
Located on the beach of Poste lafayette, a quiet region on the East coast of Mauritius, Villa Orisha is of high standards. As a recent building, it offers the best of modern comfort. Spaciou..View article
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