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Pronunciation of oppressive with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : əˈpresɪv
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Wiki content for oppressive

Examples of in a sentence

Police: Austrian children kept in dungeon were in 'oppressive' conditions
Listen Police: Austrian children kept in dungeon were in 'oppressive' conditions pronunciation
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Online Anti-Oppressive Orientation During COVID-19
Listen Online Anti-Oppressive Orientation During COVID-19 pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
LeBron’s competitiveness can be oppressive, overwhelm…
Listen LeBron’s competitiveness can be oppressive, overwhelm… pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
Africa: "Who Said Oppressive Gatekeepers Can't Come From Within?" 2020 Ako Caine Prize Nominees (Part II)
Listen Africa: "Who Said Oppressive Gatekeepers Can't Come From Within?" 2020 Ako Caine Prize Nominees (Part II) pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
Council boss calls for 'serious rethink' of Edinburgh's civic ties to oppressive countries including Poland and China
Listen Council boss calls for 'serious rethink' of Edinburgh's civic ties to oppressive countries including Poland and China pronunciation
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Trending news on oppressive

‘The heat is so oppressive’: New Jersey residents look for ways to beat the heat Monday
Listen ‘The heat is so oppressive’: New Jersey residents look for ways to beat the heat Monday pronunciation
"We were coming out here at seven, but the heat is so oppressive," says Lyddale Akins, of Neptune. "So, we try to get out here about 5:45, 6:00 and we have a team of us out here. We get out..View article
image-unavailable News 12 Networks
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Trump continues to govern in an oppressive manner
Listen LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Trump continues to govern in an oppressive manner pronunciation
This set of circumstances leads to a fairly simple question: Will the cynical policies of 20 people and the oppressive action of no more than 500 federal agents be enough to create sufficien..View article
Providence Journal Providence Journal
Hot Temps & Oppressive Humidity Ahead for Weekend
Listen Hot Temps & Oppressive Humidity Ahead for Weekend pronunciation
There will be lots of sunshine and hot temps. Temps will reach near 92 Saturday and 96 on Sunday. Oppressive humidity through Monday. The next chance for storms will be Tuesday.
NBC Connecticut NBC Connecticut
Council boss calls for 'serious rethink' of Edinburgh's civic ties to oppressive countries including Poland and China
Listen Council boss calls for 'serious rethink' of Edinburgh's civic ties to oppressive countries including Poland and China pronunciation
Deputy council leader Cammy Day will soon be submitting a motion to the council requesting a review of the local authority’s international work and relationships with various cities.
The Scotsman The Scotsman
LeBron’s competitiveness can be oppressive, overwhelm…
Listen LeBron’s competitiveness can be oppressive, overwhelm… pronunciation
LeBron’s competitiveness can be oppressive, overwhelming, and anti-social. A source who knows him well calls it the “most under told story in sports.” He struggles to be around the normally
HoopsHype HoopsHype
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