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Pronunciation of Oonagh with 4 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Oonagh

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Meanings for Oonagh

It is a feminine name meaning 'pure' of Greek, Irish origin and a notable person with this name is Oonagh a German singer-songwriter.
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Wiki content for Oonagh

Oona - Oona is a feminine given name. It is an Anglicisation of the Irish-language name Úna. Apart from Ireland, it is also a popular name in Finland.
Oonagh (singer) - Senta-Sofia Delliponti (born April 16, 1990 in Wolfsburg ) is a German singer, songwriter and actress.
Oonagh McDonald - Oonagh Anne McDonald (born February 1938) is a British academic and businesswoman, and a former Labour Party politician.
Oonagh Guinness - Oonagh Guinness (22 February 1910 – 2 August 1995) was an Anglo-Irish socialite, society hostess and art collector, and the second wife of Dominick Browne, 4th Baron Oranmore and Browne.
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Translations of Oonagh

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Trending news on Oonagh

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Oonagh Malone is a principal of a corporate advisory firm which provides company secretarial and administrative services. She has over 8 years of experience in administrative and company sec..View article
image-unavailable Business News
Oonagh Smyth
Listen Oonagh Smyth pronunciation
Nearly 1,000 residents of nursing homes died from Covid-19. Prime Time reporter Oonagh Smyth speaks to the staff, managers, experts and relatives who had to ... A large volume of previously..View article
image-unavailable RTE Online
Long Covid: Oonagh Cousins, GB rower, on the effects
Listen Long Covid: Oonagh Cousins, GB rower, on the effects pronunciation
Everyone has had to search for that glimmer of light in 2020, but Oonagh Cousins is one of those for whom it hasn't been easy to find. Cousins could have been rowing at the Olympics this sum..View article
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