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Learn how to pronounce Oedipus Rex

Oedipus Rex

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Pronunciation of Oedipus Rex with 3 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Oedipus Rex

oedipus rex
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Oedi-pus Rex
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Meanings for Oedipus Rex

Oedipus rex was a play by Sophocles (Greek mythology) a tragic king of Thebes who unknowingly killed his father Laius and married his mother Jocasta.
Listen Oedipus rex was a play by Sophocles (Greek mythology) a tragic king of Thebes who unknowingly killed his father Laius and married his mother Jocasta. pronunciation
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Quiz on Oedipus Rex


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Examples of in a sentence

Marian Rivera to star in Tanghalang Ateneo's adaptation of 'Oedipus Rex'
Listen Marian Rivera to star in Tanghalang Ateneo's adaptation of 'Oedipus Rex' pronunciation
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Hamptons-Based Gallery To Present Larry Rivers' "Me and My Shadow" And "Oedipus Rex"
Listen Hamptons-Based Gallery To Present Larry Rivers' "Me and My Shadow" And "Oedipus Rex" pronunciation
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'Welcome to the tribe': Marian Rivera to make theater debut in Tanghalang Ateneo's 'Oedipus Rex'
Listen 'Welcome to the tribe': Marian Rivera to make theater debut in Tanghalang Ateneo's 'Oedipus Rex' pronunciation
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Oedipus Rex - 1911 - Broadway
Listen Oedipus Rex - 1911 - Broadway pronunciation
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Oedipus Rex
Listen Oedipus Rex pronunciation
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Translations of Oedipus Rex

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Trending news on Oedipus Rex

Watch Oedipus Rex
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Oedipus Rex is an Drama movie that was released in 1967 and has a run time of 1 hr 44 min. It has received poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 7.4. Oedi..View article
image-unavailable Yidio
Oedipus Rex
Listen Oedipus Rex pronunciation
will leave the theatre convinced again that Aristotle could not have picked a better paradigm of elemental power and dramatic impact than Oedipus Rex. To take this production on its own term..View article
image-unavailable The Harvard Crimson
Oedipus Rex - 1911 - Broadway
Listen Oedipus Rex - 1911 - Broadway pronunciation
Tickets are $16 for general admission; ask about our military, first responder, student and senior discounts. There are also special package prices for advance paid groups of ten or more. Fo..View article
image-unavailable BroadwayWorld
'Welcome to the tribe': Marian Rivera to make theater debut in Tanghalang Ateneo's 'Oedipus Rex'
Listen 'Welcome to the tribe': Marian Rivera to make theater debut in Tanghalang Ateneo's 'Oedipus Rex' pronunciation
Actress Marian Rivera will soon make a theater debut – virtually – in the coming adaptation of Oedipus Rex by Tanghalang Ateneo. The announcement was first made nearly a week ago by her fell..View article
image-unavailable Rappler
Hamptons-Based Gallery To Present Larry Rivers' "Me and My Shadow" And "Oedipus Rex"
Listen Hamptons-Based Gallery To Present Larry Rivers' "Me and My Shadow" And "Oedipus Rex" pronunciation
Me and My Shadow will feature four larger than life size mirror images. Each will have a sumptuous female figure and her shadow, all of which were created in 1970. Oedipus Rex is comprised o..View article
Hamptons Hamptons
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