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Meanings for Ochoa

A surname that is originated in Spain and a prominent Mexican football player Guillermo also bears this surname.
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Wiki content for Ochoa

Examples of in a sentence

Marlen Ochoa-Lopez death: Friends, family mark 20th birthday of slain pregnant woman
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Going against the grain brought Ochoa to NU
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Meggie Ochoa banners PH three-gold romp in SEA Games jiu-jitsu
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A soldier comes home: Staff Sgt. Joshua Ochoa surprises his three kids in Ridgefield
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HS Football: Hasbrouck Heights' Ochoa Named First Team All Bergen County Team
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Trending news on Ochoa

Marlen Ochoa-Lopez death: Friends, family mark 20th birthday of slain pregnant woman
CHICAGO, Illinois -- Saturday would have marked the 20th birthday of Marlen Ochoa-Lopez, the pregnant Chicago teen who was murdered in April. Her husband, Yovani Lopez, as well as advocates..View article
abc13 abc13
Going against the grain brought Ochoa to NU
Nebraska wasn’t the popular choice, but it was the right one for Brenna Ochoa. The current Nebraska midfielder had a dilemma when it came down to her college decision, but luckily for her, s..View article
Lincoln Journal Star Lincoln Journal Star
Meggie Ochoa banners PH three-gold romp in SEA Games jiu-jitsu
NEW CLARK CITY – This time Margarita ‘Meggie’ Ochoa conquered the Southeast Asian Games with a gold performance in the women’s -45 kg event as jiu-jitsu action in the biennial meet gets goin..View article
A soldier comes home: Staff Sgt. Joshua Ochoa surprises his three kids in Ridgefield
Wide eyed, open-mouthed incomprehension grew into beaming joy as 10-year-old Josh Ochoa grasped the reality before him. His soldier dad had just popped out of a giant gift box — and he was h..View article
The Ridgefield Press The Ridgefield Press
HS Football: Hasbrouck Heights' Ochoa Named First Team All Bergen County Team
TAPinto Hasbrouck Heights/Wood-Ridge/Teterboro is Hasbrouck Heights, Wood-Ridge and Teterboro’s free daily news source, and is the official newspaper of the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Educat..View article
TAPinto TAPinto
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