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Wiki content for NUGENT

Nugent baronets - There have been nine baronetcies created for persons with the surname Nugent, four in the Baronetage of Ireland and five in the Baronetage of the United Kingdom.
Nugent Hicks - Frederick Cyril Nugent Hicks (1872–1942) was an Anglican bishop and author who served as Bishop of Gibraltar from 1927 to 1933, during which time he was appointed as Sub-Prelate of the Order
Nugent (album) - Nugent is the seventh studio album by American hard rock guitarist Ted Nugent. The album was released in August 1982, by Atlantic Records.
Nugent score - The Nugent Score is a Gram stain scoring system for vaginal swabs to diagnose bacterial vaginosis. The Nugent score is calculated by assessing for the presence of large Gram-positive rods (La
Nugent Cachemaille-Day - Nugent Francis Cachemaille-Day (1896–1976), often referred to as NF Cachemaille-Day, was an English architect who designed some of the most "revolutionary" 20th-century churches in the countr
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Examples of in a sentence

NUGENT: Celebrate the flak
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He was now completely subservient to Austria, an Austrian, Count Nugent, being even made commander-in-chief of the army; and for four years he reigned as a despot, every tentative effort at the expression of liberal opinion being ruthlessly suppressed.
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