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North Island

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Phonetic spelling of North Island

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Meanings for North Island

An Island in New Zealand with an area of 113,729 km².
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Quiz on North Island


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Wiki content for North Island

North Island - The North Island, also officially named Te Ika-a-Māui, is one of the two main islands of New Zealand, separated from the larger but much less populous South Island by Cook Strait.
North Island Main Trunk - The North Island Main Trunk (NIMT) is the main railway line in the North Island of New Zealand, connecting the capital city Wellington with the country's largest city, Auckland.
North Island (Houtman Abrolhos) - North Island is the northernmost island in the Houtman Abrolhos, a coral reef archipelago in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Mid West Western Australia.
North Island brown kiwi - The North Island brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli; Apteryx australis or Apteryx bulleri as before 2000, still used in some sources), is a species of kiwi that is widespread in the northern two-th
North Island Volcanic Plateau - The North Island Volcanic Plateau (often called the Central Plateau and occasionally the Waimarino Plateau) is a volcanic plateau covering much of central North Island of New Zealand with vol
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Examples of in a sentence

New Zealand's South Island and southern North Island struck by storms/Brief
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New Zealand's South Island and southern North Island struck by storms
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Disarmament, roads and land-purchasing enabled settlement to make headway again in the North Island of ter twelve years of stagnation.
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Andesite volcano located in the center of the North Island of New Zealand.
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Translations of North Island

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