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Pronunciation of Noelia with 5 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Noelia

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Meanings for Noelia

It is a feminine name that is of Latin origin.
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Quiz on Noelia


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Wiki content for Noelia

Noelia - Noelia Lorenzo Monge (born in San Juan), mostly known as Noelia, is a Puerto Rican pop singer who rose to fame in 1999.
Noelia Marzol - Noelia Marzol (born December 1, 1986) is an Argentine actress, dancer, hostess, gymnast, businesswoman and fashion designer.
Noelia Pérez Peñate - Noelia Pérez Peñate (born 6 December 1972) is a former professional tennis player from Spain.
Noelia Zeballos - Noelia Zeballos Melgar (Spanish pronunciation: [noˈelja seˈβaʝoz melˈɣaɾ]; born 2 May 1994) is a Bolivian tennis player.
Noelia Bermúdez - Maria Noelia Bermúdez Valverde (born 20 September 1994) is a Costa Rican footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for the Costa Rica women's national team.
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Examples of in a sentence

Broome woman Noelia Jack jailed for throwing coffee mug at ...
Listen Broome woman Noelia Jack jailed for throwing coffee mug at ... pronunciation
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Translations of Noelia

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Trending news on Noelia

Broome woman Noelia Jack jailed for throwing coffee mug at ...
Listen Broome woman Noelia Jack jailed for throwing coffee mug at ... pronunciation
Noelia Jack, 48, had been in a relationship with Adrian Sampi for five months when she struck him with a mug after a drunken argument at a Forest Street property on December 29.
The West Australian The West Australian

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