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Learn Niveditha pronunciation with video

    Video Pronunciation of Niveditha in English

    Phonetic spelling of Niveditha

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    Meanings for Niveditha

    It is a feminine name of Indian origin and it means Offered to God.
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    Quiz on Niveditha


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    Wiki content for Niveditha

    Nivedita - Nivedita may refer to:
    Niveditha Arjun - Niveditha Arjun is an Indian actress, producer and dancer. After making her acting debut with M. S. Rajashekar's Ratha Sapthami (1986) under the stagename of Asha Rani, she opted against an
    Nivedita Menon - Nivedita Menon is a feminist writer and a professor of political thought at Jawaharlal Nehru University.
    Nivedita Tiwari - Nivedita Tiwari (born 24 November 1985) is an Indian actress best known for her role as Runjhun in Zee TV's Bhagonwali - Baante Apni Taqdeer and Supriya on &TV's Gangaa.
    Nivedita Bhattacharya - Nivedita Bhattacharya (born 21 July 1970) is an Indian actress. She was born in Lucknow on July 21, 1970.She is a critically acclaimed actress who has acted on television and in films.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Chandan Shetty and wife Niveditha share Deepavali wishes in the cutest way possible
    Listen Chandan Shetty and wife Niveditha share Deepavali wishes in the cutest way possible pronunciation
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    Translations of Niveditha

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    Trending news on Niveditha

    Chandan Shetty and wife Niveditha share Deepavali wishes in the cutest way possible
    Listen Chandan Shetty and wife Niveditha share Deepavali wishes in the cutest way possible pronunciation
    Kannada rapper Chandan Shetty and wife Niveditha Gowda have no qualms sharing their love and admiration for each other online and their posts and videos are quite a fun watch for their fans..View article
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    Synonyms for Niveditha

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    Antonyms for Niveditha

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