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Learn how to pronounce Nikki haley

Nikki haley

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Meanings for Nikki haley

Nimarata Nikki Haley is a American politician and diplomat, having held the position of the 116th governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017 and served as the 29th U.S. ambassador to the United Nations from January 2017 to December 2018. She is a member of the Republican party and holds the honor of being the first individual of Indian American descent to serve in a presidential cabinet.
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Wiki content for Nikki haley

Nikki Haley - Nimrata Haley (née Randhawa, January 20, 1972), known as Nikki Haley, is an American diplomat, businesswoman, author, and politician who served as United States ambassador to the United Natio

Examples of in a sentence

From Nikki Haley to Kimberly Guilfoyle: Four Takeaways From the RNC’s First Night
Listen From Nikki Haley to Kimberly Guilfoyle: Four Takeaways From the RNC’s First Night pronunciation
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Donald Trump Jr. and Nikki Haley Attack Biden and Praise the President
Listen Donald Trump Jr. and Nikki Haley Attack Biden and Praise the President pronunciation
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Nikki Haley and Tim Scott don’t deserve any praise from the media
Listen Nikki Haley and Tim Scott don’t deserve any praise from the media pronunciation
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Nikki Haley Tells RNC: ‘America Is Not A Racist Country’
Listen Nikki Haley Tells RNC: ‘America Is Not A Racist Country’ pronunciation
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Nikki Haley, Tim Scott Get to Audition for 2024 at Republican Convention
Listen Nikki Haley, Tim Scott Get to Audition for 2024 at Republican Convention pronunciation
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Translations of Nikki haley

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Trending news on Nikki haley

Nikki Haley said at the RNC that Joe Biden wants ‘massive’ tax hikes on working families. That’s not true.
Listen Nikki Haley said at the RNC that Joe Biden wants ‘massive’ tax hikes on working families. That’s not true. pronunciation
Speakers on the first night of the Republican convention criticized Democratic nominee Joe Biden on one of the foundational issues of the GOP: taxes.
Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia Inquirer
Ambassador Nikki Haley discusses RNC night one and Trump's agenda
Listen Ambassador Nikki Haley discusses RNC night one and Trump's agenda pronunciation
Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley spoke at the first night of the RNC, where she detailed working with President Trump on an "America First" strategy. Ambassador Haley joins "CBS This Morni..View article
Liberal media pundit dismisses Nikki Haley’s speech on racism because she's a 'white woman'
Listen Liberal media pundit dismisses Nikki Haley’s speech on racism because she's a 'white woman' pronunciation
A liberal media pundit dismissed former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s Republican National Convention speech on racism for coming from a “white woman” despite Haley’s Indian heritage.
Washington Examiner Washington Examiner
Nikki Haley says she stands by her prior condemnation of Trump on Charlottesville
Listen Nikki Haley says she stands by her prior condemnation of Trump on Charlottesville pronunciation
Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley on Tuesday said she was not backing down from her prior condemnation of President Donald Trump’s equivocation about neo-Nazi protesters in Charlottesville..View article
Politico Politico
Biden Campaign Surrogate Account Apologizes For Vile Twitter Smear Against Nikki Haley
Listen Biden Campaign Surrogate Account Apologizes For Vile Twitter Smear Against Nikki Haley pronunciation
Update: The Biden-affiliate deleted the racist tweet about Ambassador Haley, and apologized for the "tone of the message":Upon further reflection, an earlier tweet drawing attention to the n..View article
Townhall Townhall
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