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Learn how to pronounce Nancy pelosi

Nancy pelosi

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Pronunciation of Nancy pelosi with 5 audio pronunciations
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Wiki content for Nancy pelosi

Nancy Pelosi - Nancy Patricia Pelosi (; née D'Alesandro; born March 26, 1940) is an American Democratic Party politician serving as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives since January 2019.

Examples of in a sentence

Nancy Pelosi Says Police Unions Want to Be Part of the Conversation About Police Reform
Listen Nancy Pelosi Says Police Unions Want to Be Part of the Conversation About Police Reform pronunciation
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls for Confederate statues to be removed from Capitol Building
Listen House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls for Confederate statues to be removed from Capitol Building pronunciation
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Nancy Pelosi: Confederate symbols 'have to go' from Capitol, bases
Listen Nancy Pelosi: Confederate symbols 'have to go' from Capitol, bases pronunciation
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Nancy Pelosi mandates masks on House floor after lawmakers test positive for coronavirus
Listen Nancy Pelosi mandates masks on House floor after lawmakers test positive for coronavirus pronunciation
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Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi Presser on Child Care Relief in Cares Act
Listen Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi Presser on Child Care Relief in Cares Act pronunciation
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Trending news on Nancy pelosi

Nancy Pelosi presses GOP to quickly negotiate virus aid with Democrats
Listen Nancy Pelosi presses GOP to quickly negotiate virus aid with Democrats pronunciation
Pelosi has resisted tackling a relief package in piecemeal fashion, arguing broader aid is needed for Americans.
Bangor Daily News Bangor Daily News
Nancy Pelosi: ‘The Trump Virus Continues’
Listen Nancy Pelosi: ‘The Trump Virus Continues’ pronunciation
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) called the COVID-19 virus “the Trump virus” in an appearance on MSNBC on Tuesday with Ari Melber.
CNSNews.com CNSNews.com
Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to require face coverings on House floor
Listen Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to require face coverings on House floor pronunciation
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday she plans to make face coverings mandatory when on the House floor, according to reports of a call between her and Democratic colleagues.
New York Post New York Post
Sen. Barrasso on House $3.4T COVID-19 Relief Bill: 'Nancy Pelosi Living on Fantasy Island'
Listen Sen. Barrasso on House $3.4T COVID-19 Relief Bill: 'Nancy Pelosi Living on Fantasy Island' pronunciation
When asked how many trillion dollars should be spent on the latest coronavirus relief bill – the Republicans want $1 trillion, the Democrats want $3.4 trillion – Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.)..View article
CNSNews.com CNSNews.com
‘Time is running out’ on coronavirus stimulus, says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, pressing Republicans for negotiations
Listen ‘Time is running out’ on coronavirus stimulus, says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, pressing Republicans for negotiations pronunciation
Pelosi demanded Republicans reach out to Democratic leaders within a half hour of releasing their coronavirus stimulus plan.
MassLive MassLive
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