Free easy-to-learn online names pronunciation tool

Learn how to pronounce celebrity names, baby names, meanings and origin of names using audios and videos contributed by the community


Which is the exact pronunciation of the name Dwight gooden?

tvite ku-tn
dwite cu-dn
dvite gu-dn
Ask your friends
X also allows you to avail audio name pronunciation, which is a free, fast, and, fun solution to learn how to say anyone’s names from real people instantly. Hear the audio till you get your pronunciation right.

We strive to eliminate the mispronunciation of names by allowing you to learn how to pronounce unfamiliar names and sound like a native speaker. The interesting feature of this application is that you can hear different variations of the same name, out of which you can choose the best one for you to practice. Along with this, find the meaning, sentences, news, and other related information about the name.

You can even learn how to correctly say a word, place, drug, medical, technical terminologies, and much more using application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have any questions here? We’ve covered it all. If you don’t see the answers here, drop us a line on our Contact us page.

Can I find my name pronunciation in ?

Yes! HowToPronounce also has a name pronunciation dictionary to help you learn the correct pronunciation of anyone’s names instantly. Our goal is to put an end to mispronunciation of anyone’s name and help people remember. The add-on feature of this application is that it offers you to record and contribute how to say anyone’s name to help million fellow learners.

What to do if there is more than one pronunciation?

The pronunciation of letters might differ from place to place. Therefore, it is possible to find different variations to pronounce for the same name. In these cases, choose the pronunciation of the name in the variation you prefer.

Why is the name dictionary of HowToPronounce designed?

Our aim is to develop this feature is to break the barriers of mispronouncing unknown names. We aim to give respect to the language, identity, and origin of names it deserves by helping others pronounce your names correctly.

Is it possible to share your audio names anywhere?

Yes! HowToPronounce application offers to share the audio of anyone’s name correctly with anyone instantly. All you need to do is tap on the share button and click on the social platform icon on which you wish to share. One of our goals is to take one step ahead, by making the recording and sharing process easy, fun and free.

Do you have pronunciation based on different countries?

HowToPronounce supports multiple pronunciations for the same name. We want people from across the globe to learn and practice the pronunciation of different places. If you do not find the how to say in any particular accent, you can contribute immediately.

Who can add and record audio names pronunciation on HowToPronounce?

Absolutely anyone can add and record to help fellow learners. However, before contributing, you have to be part of this community. Register by entering all the necessary details and start your contribution.

What to do if there is something wrong with pronunciation?

If you find that anyone’s name is misspelled or inappropriate, please click on the flag option available next to the audio. Now, select the relevant option for reporting by choosing voice or word. Next, give an appropriate reason for rejecting.

What to do if the pronunciation of my name is missing?

If you found that the pronunciation of my name is missing, you can directly send us the request by sending it to us on the contact us page. There you can clearly mention what you are exactly looking for. We also allow you to can even contribute for your name.

Can I save the pronunciation to view later?

HowToPronounce offers you to save the pronunciation of anyone’s name later to practice. You simply need to tap on the collection option available next to the rating section which you can view and practice anytime.

Is it possible to embed the name pronunciation on any other website?

Just like other compatible and user-friendly applications, allows you to embed the name pronunciation on any other website. Simply copy and paste the code on the other website and you are good to go.

Why Should I use HowToPronounce to learn how to say someone’s name?

The issue of name pronunciation is as important as your designation. As it defines and follows you throughout your life. This application like this helps you to protect yourself from numerous embarrassing moments. Some of the main instance where this application can be your savior:

  • Imagine taking a quick glance at the names of higher authorities before meetings.
  • If you have a one-to-one consultation call with anyone.
  • Knowing the name right before any social gatherings.
  • It gives confidence to directly approach the individual.
Having the name pronunciation on your application affect my privacy?

Definitely no! The pronunciation of your name is only to help others pronounce your name correctly like a native speaker. Under any circumstance, we do not store or share any personal details like photos, email addresses, etc., which will affect your privacy.

How Free is “Free”?

It might sound too flashy to be true, but this is a forever-free dictionary application that you can access without entering your card details. You can instantly unlock the features and embrace your ever-learning process.

Are videos helpful to learn?

Videos bring much more to the table to learn quickly. Not just help you to learn easily, but also to remember longer. Learning with video is fun, engaging, and the closest that can help you with hints.

Can I remove my name pronunciation from your website?

No, you cannot remove it directly from our website. However, if you wish you can just send us a request and our team will process the request.

Where do you get your content?

Just like you, there are so many enthusiastic learners who love to share knowledge and help fellow learners to keep contributing. Apart from this, we also have a support team to help you get better with name pronunciation.

How can I remove my name? does not have store any personal information. This application is designed with a motive to help people to stop pronouncing your name wrongly. However, if you still want to remove it, you can request via our contact us page and we will process the request.

Can I download videos to watch offline?

It is not possible to download the videos. Whenever you want to learn , directly open our application and practice till you get it right.

What benefits do I get for my contributions?

Of course! For all your contributions you will earn points. You get certificates, badges and get featured in leaderboard based on your points.