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Pronunciation of Naidoo with 3 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for Naidoo

It is an African surname. A notable person includes Naransamy Roy Naidoo, who is a South African Political leader.
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Wiki content for Naidoo

Examples of in a sentence

Amnesty International’s secretary general Kumi Naidoo steps down
Listen Amnesty International’s secretary general Kumi Naidoo steps down pronunciation
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Right of reply: Lotteries commission responds to Sershan Naidoo’s allegations
Listen Right of reply: Lotteries commission responds to Sershan Naidoo’s allegations pronunciation
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Ranjeni Munusamy: Dhanajaya Naidoo's claims damaged my reputation
Listen Ranjeni Munusamy: Dhanajaya Naidoo's claims damaged my reputation pronunciation
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WATCH: Logie Naidoo apologises for ‘eating beef’ joke during Purtassi
Listen WATCH: Logie Naidoo apologises for ‘eating beef’ joke during Purtassi pronunciation
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Ranjeni Munusamy: Dhanajaya Naidoo an unreliable, untrustworthy witness
Listen Ranjeni Munusamy: Dhanajaya Naidoo an unreliable, untrustworthy witness pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on Naidoo

Amnesty International’s secretary general Kumi Naidoo steps down
Listen Amnesty International’s secretary general Kumi Naidoo steps down pronunciation
Amnesty International’s secretary general Kumi Naidoo has resigned from the human rights NGO for health reasons, after a year and five months in the role. Full responsibilities were handed o..View article
Civil Society Civil Society
Right of reply: Lotteries commission responds to Sershan Naidoo’s allegations
Listen Right of reply: Lotteries commission responds to Sershan Naidoo’s allegations pronunciation
Read GroundUp’s interview with Sershan Naidoo here. Distributing Agencies (DAs) of the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) are creatures of statute, the Lotteries Amendment Act, 2015, (“the..View article
image-unavailable Daily Maverick
Ranjeni Munusamy: Dhanajaya Naidoo's claims damaged my reputation
Listen Ranjeni Munusamy: Dhanajaya Naidoo's claims damaged my reputation pronunciation
Journalist Ranjeny Munusamy filed another supporting affidavit to the commission, applying to cross-examine Colonel Dhanajaya Naidoo to discredit his testimony. FILE: In her lengthy submissi..View article
EWN Sport EWN Sport
WATCH: Logie Naidoo apologises for ‘eating beef’ joke during Purtassi
Listen WATCH: Logie Naidoo apologises for ‘eating beef’ joke during Purtassi pronunciation
Durban - Former eThekwini speaker Logie Naidoo has apologised to the Hindu community after a video of him mentioning he would break his Purtassi fast by eating a beef burger went viral. He w..View article
Independent Online Independent Online
Ranjeni Munusamy: Dhanajaya Naidoo an unreliable, untrustworthy witness
Listen Ranjeni Munusamy: Dhanajaya Naidoo an unreliable, untrustworthy witness pronunciation
Munusamy said she wanted to cross-examine Colonel Dhanajaya Naidoo because he appeared to be confused, uncertain, or simply could not recall a number of details surrounding his allegations a..View article
EWN Sport EWN Sport
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