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Phonetic spelling of Naff

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Meanings for Naff

It is a verb meaning "go away"
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Synonyms for Naff

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Learn more about the word "Naff" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

Quiz on Naff


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Wiki content for Naff

Naff - Naff or NAFF may refer to:
Nafferton - Nafferton is a village and civil parish in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. It is situated approximately 2 miles (3.2 km) north-east of Driffield town centre and lies just south of the
NAFFCO - NAFFCO (National Fire Fighting Manufacturing FZCO) is Middle East based manufacturer of firefighting products.
Nafferton railway station - Nafferton railway station serves the village of Nafferton in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. It is located on the Yorkshire Coast Line and is operated by Northern that provides all pas
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Examples of in a sentence

Florida's little-used health insurance marketplace will start selling plans that comply with the Affordable Care Act in the next few weeks, said Rose Naff, the marketplace's CEO, even though Gov
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The much-loved and entirely naff image library helped us 'spruce' up our essays throughout the 90s but now, sadly, the feature is being killed
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Naff Santa competition
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Naff should be in sentence

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Translations of Naff

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