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Phonetic spelling of mule

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Meanings for mule

A mule is a cross between a male donkey and a female horse.
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Examples of in a sentence

Carrying on the spirit of a man named Mule Powers
Listen Carrying on the spirit of a man named Mule Powers pronunciation
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Moscow Mule Brand ‘Merican Mule Launches Fire Mule
Listen Moscow Mule Brand ‘Merican Mule Launches Fire Mule pronunciation
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FBI: You may be a money mule and not even know it
Listen FBI: You may be a money mule and not even know it pronunciation
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Mule trekker braves prairie winter
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Crystal meth 'smugglers' on the run in Coimbatore after 'mule' goes to cops
Listen Crystal meth 'smugglers' on the run in Coimbatore after 'mule' goes to cops pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on mule

Mule deer rebound continues in western North Dakota
Listen Mule deer rebound continues in western North Dakota pronunciation
The North Dakota Game and Fish Department says a limited fall survey indicates another year of good mule deer fawn production in the western part of the
Associated Press Associated Press
Elk, mule deer harvest down along Rocky Mountain Front; whitetail harvest up
Listen Elk, mule deer harvest down along Rocky Mountain Front; whitetail harvest up pronunciation
Final numbers from the 2020 general deer and elk season on a portion of the Rocky Mountain Front put mule deer and elk taken by hunters lower than long-term averages. “The mule deer harvest..View article
image-unavailable Billings Gazette
Mule deer continue rebound in western North Dakota
Listen Mule deer continue rebound in western North Dakota pronunciation
A limited fall survey indicates another year of good mule deer fawn production in western North Dakota, according to the state Game and Fish Department. Biologists counted 2,116 mule deer in..View article
image-unavailable The Bismarck Tribune
Europol Crackdown On Money Mule Schemes Bags €33M
Listen Europol Crackdown On Money Mule Schemes Bags €33M pronunciation
Law enforcement authorities across Europe have shut down money mule schemes during a three-month worldwide operation, Europol said Thursday, preventing a total estimated loss of €33.5 millio..View article
Law360 Law360
Thirty years jail for cops who stole drugs seized from mule at OR Tambo airport
Listen Thirty years jail for cops who stole drugs seized from mule at OR Tambo airport pronunciation
National Prosecuting Authority’s spokesperson in Gauteng Phindi Mjonondwane said Raesibe Melda Ndukula and Faith Makhosazane Mtambo were both charged together with a South African Airways (S..View article
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